English 10 – 9/17/18 Listen and respond to “Fix You.” Look at other PowerPoints. Why is it called a building when it is already built? Ocrephobia – fear.


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Presentation transcript:

English 10 – 9/17/18 Listen and respond to “Fix You.” Look at other PowerPoints. Why is it called a building when it is already built? Ocrephobia – fear of being covered in gold paint. Goals – See a slide show to learn about common mistakes. Divide song into units of meaning. Note imagery and meaning slide shows. Get lyrics imagery/analysis approved. Homework – Complete Lyric Analysis for points tomorrow. Don’t forget to study for Vocab. #3 on Monday.

English 10 – 9/18/18 If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about any one thing you wished to know concerning yourself, life, the future, or anything else, what would you want to know? Time may be a great healer, but it’s a lousy beautician. Astrologaster – a lying or deceitful astrologer. Goals – Check Dailies - in Lab 107 - and lyric Keyword analysis. Go to lab; copy and paste all lyrics to slides; chose font and size; background? Homework – Continue any unfinished work on office 365 tonight.

English 10 – 9/19/18 If you were expelled from the country and had only limited financial resources, where would you try to rebuild your life? Who made the fish’s wishes come true? Videot – a person that will watch anything on TV. Goals – All lyrics are analyzed and approved. Get lyrics on plain slides! After all that, focus on getting images onto slides.  Homework – Begin to get lyrics on plain slides by tomorrow. Use your Office 365 account but “work in PowerPoint” so you can work on it at school or home! The fairy cod mother.

English 10 – 9/20/18 Which is more important, your private life or your “work” life? Which do you put more energy into? Never say anything bad about a man until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes. By then he’s a mile away, you’ve got his shoes, and you can say whatever you want to. Ocrephobia – fear of being covered in gold paint. Goals – Go over the process from the assignment sheet. Get pictures! Show me what you know!  Homework – Get pictures that have figurative significance for your song lyrics.

English 10 – 9/21/18 Five minutes to study for vocabulary #3. Never say anything bad about a man until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes. By then he’s a mile away, you’ve got his shoes, and you can say whatever you want to. Mux – a mix of many things going through one’s head. Goals – Successfully complete Vocab. #3. Work on lyrics of slide show. Show me what you know!  Homework – Work on slide shows. Begin Study for Week 4 vocab.