Accrediting the UKPSF for a Master and Doctorate of Academic Practice Sally Bradley, Sheffield Hallam University Sandy Cope, University of Derby Karin.


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Presentation transcript:

Accrediting the UKPSF for a Master and Doctorate of Academic Practice Sally Bradley, Sheffield Hallam University Sandy Cope, University of Derby Karin Crawford, University of Lincoln Andrew Rothwell, Coventry University

Presentation Overview REACH network: who we are and what we do An uncertain future? UKPSF and a Doctor of Academic Practice Evidencing CPD or underpinning agility?

Some questions: Is Standard Descriptor 3 relevant to the UK HE sector? How can we use it and adapt it to suit our own university strategic needs? What structure is appropriate?

University of Derby Context Post 1992 University University Derby Corporate FE School East Midlands Region –Relatively low proportion of population of experience in HE –The 18 year old population will grow till 2009/10, followed by 10 years of rapid decline –Potential significance of rural isolation –Substantial and growing proportion of young people taking non-traditional level 3 qualification, needing alternative routes into HE

Staff Teaching Implications Need to be varied and agile and relevant to our target student Need a framework for guidance as a signpost in ways to develop Need to grow our externality in HE community Research shows we need to grow our staff confidence in what we do well

From Dr Rothwells presentation

The future isnt always what we expect – or predict: Research showed that a significant number of staff were undertaking and paying for development themselves Government policy in education changes quickly Expectations of the public are changing Credit Frameworks need to be able to cope with change without being constantly modified

Suggested Framework Programme/Award ILOs Negotiated Route (B) Negotiated Route (A) EBEB A N EAEA Role related University related (EA – Existing Faculty A, EB – Existing Faculty B, A – APEL, N – negotiated)Adapted, Raban, 2007)

Subject-based CPD (Subject Scholarship) Subject-based CPD (Learning, Teaching, Assessment) Work-based CPD (Implicit CPD Activity) Work-based CPD (Explicit CPD Activities) Updating subject knowledge – reading and assimilating journals, articles, research reports, publications etc Attending subject conferences – research and development Reflecting on subject developments, their impact on curriculum renewal and associated action planning Professional practice including scholarly engagement, publishing, dissemination, refereeing, networking, PhD supervision, inter-professional practice, bidding, professional advice, consultancy etc Module/programme/subject team meetings Faculty/department away days Internal subject-specific pedagogical workshop/conference External subject-specific pedagogical workshop/conference run by LTSN, professional body etc Participating in a subject project to improve learning and teaching, e.g. FDTL, TQEF, LTSN Accredited subject-specific programmes of study, e.g. P/g Certs, Dips and Masters in aspects of subject learning and teaching by Learning Through Work schemes and negotiated curricula External examining and validation panels Acting as a QAA/Ofsted/ALI reviewer/assessor OMST – peer observation of teaching, learning and its outcomes Evaluating practice to prepare: module or programme reports subject, departmental or Faculty reports Action planning as a result of evaluations and reports on learning and teaching Student support and guidance academic practice Analyses, evaluations, preparations, writing self-evaluations and documents, for periodic subject reviews, validations and re- validations Learning through: mentoring partnerships; paired/team teaching Applying generic developments such as constructive alignment to curriculum design CPD events – seminars, workshops, conferences – run internally by: the Quality Enhancement Department (QED) Corporate Staff Development (OPD) Accredited CPD programmes, e.g. P/g Certificates, Diplomas, Masters: in HE Learning and Teaching offered at UoD UoD by Learning Through Work schemes at UoD or at other HEIs Secondments, formal job swaps and longer term exchanges Training sessions for specific skills, e.g. IT; appraisal (DPR) HEA membership and participating in HEA sessions Typologies

University Related Curriculum Design and Learning Outcomes Internationalisation Employability

Role Related Subject Manager Programme Leader Lecturer Associate UDC Learning Support

Subject Related LTA in the subject area Pedagogic MEd, EdD, MBA, DBA modules Own L. O.s written to our SD3 Framework

Wholly university Part and part Wholly individual Payment

CPD or HRD Does it really matter ? CPD engagement can be because of an individual driver or an institutional driver Individual - to move around sector Institutional - to move around university

Discussion What implications would there be in your own institutions? Is it an in-house model of WBL? The use of core modules - valid? Where would it sit?