Mitch Bearson Andy Russell Katrina Johnson Annie Lindsay Sports Mitch Bearson Andy Russell Katrina Johnson Annie Lindsay
Interview with Mr. Sparger! Question- “If you cut sports, when and where would students exercise?” Sparger- “Club sports would develop either through the YMCA, Golds Gym or Momentum Baseball. The only problem with that is that the sports are driven with those who have a lot of money. The cost would be a lot larger.”
Do you think teamwork is important for people to learn? Sparger- “Teamwork is very important. It is used throughout your life. Workforce is based on teamwork.”
How do you suppose people are going to keep busy after school How do you suppose people are going to keep busy after school? Do you think more and more students would be getting in trouble if sports were cut? Sparger- “Definitely. Sports are a big part of student’s lives. There are actually studies that show between 3-5:00 pm, most adolescents get in trouble. I’d say 60 to 65 percent of students participate in sports.”
How would high school sports being cut effect college sports? Sparger- “Some people depend on scholarships. They play a huge aspect. For example my son got a scholarship in baseball, I don’t even have to pay a penny.”
Are there certain sports that should be cut in order for us to have enough money? Sparger- “I guess boys swimming and gymnastics could join North. The sports would lose identity with the school. That would be hard for a lot of students.”
How do you think parents would react if sports were cut? Sparger- “ They would be frustrated. A lot of parents appreciate sports. It is part of the learning process. “
Wouldn’t there be less school spirit and what would the cheerleaders/ dancers think? Sparger- “Cutting sports would cut school spirit also. Sports bring excitement to the school. There is also a community aspect to it also. Parents and students love to come and cheer at games. Cheerleaders and dancers would have there dance and cheer competitions but that’s basically it.”
What are the positives of partcipating in high school sports? Sparger- It is important to get in shape and exercise. You learn coordination and teamwork. Lastly, sports are fun!
Why we think High School sports are important Today’s children in America are fighting hard against obesity. You have heard it… Its on headlines everywhere. Sports are an outlet from stress. When students participate in sports, they release chemicals called endorphins. These chemicals give you energy Most schools require a C in school for you to be able to participate in sports. It has students be accountable for their performances in school. People learn team work, and learn to think less just about themselves and more about other people being the team.
Studies show… Athletes are 51% less likely to use drugs and 63% less likely to become teen parents. (No Child Left Behind, 2002) Athletes have better attendance and higher graduation rates than non-athletes, and they also have fewer disciplinary referrals and lower dropout rates than non-athletes. (North Carolina High School Athletic Association Bulletin, 2001) Athletics help build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints, help control weight and build lean muscle, prevent or delay high blood pressure, and reduce feelings of anxiety. (Surgeon General’s Report, 1996)
Memorial Sports