Mrs. Cole's Weekly Assignment Sheet Upcoming Dates/Tests/Projects Week of March 21-25, 2016 Homework Assignments Novel: Meet Addy Upcoming Dates/Tests/Projects Math: Time Test on Tuesday Science: Test on Tuesday Multiplication Facts: Administration is coming around to give pop multiplication test. Please make sure your child knows his/her facts with 90% proficiency. Monday Math: Black Book Page 318 – 319 Topic 11 Test on Time tomorrow March to a Million Reading Log: read 10 pages and fill out your green reading log Science Test tomorrow! Study guide was sent home last week and MBS. Tuesday – Friday Due to the program I have decided to not assign homework the rest of the week. Your child needs to read nightly. March to a Million Reading Log: read 10 pages and fill out your green reading log. These are due Friday! Reminders: Book Orders for Scholastic are due April 8th Reading Logs due on Friday signed. (40 pages read) Spelling Words Words 1 – 5 are Word Wall Words and 6 – 10 are Frequently Misspelled Words No spelling list this week due to the program. Please use this time to review past list. We will use Contract A this week. Please have your child use ALL 10 words even if the activity calls for 5.