Back to School Ms. Hunter English
Course expectations Please review the course expectations, sign and send back the last page if you have not already done so. They are worth 20 points for homework. The course expectations can be found on or on your students Google Classroom .
grades Classwork Participation Weekly participation and sometimes other things such as reading along with class or silent reading Homework vocabulary, reading, writing Tests and quizzes
Course work Reading- analyzing text Writing Grammar Vocabulary Speaking and listening
Students are asked to pick a novel to read for the quarter Students are asked to pick a novel to read for the quarter. The novel must be at least 200 pages long and may not have been made into a movie. Students will be required to present a book report at the end of the quarter. Students must read the book in their own time. It would be to their advantage to carry their book with them and read it when they have spare time. I will give 15 minutes of reading time every Friday when they have my class. However, they will not finish a book if that is the only time they read.
Email contact Please, please, please make sure we have your email I will send out missing work notices each week to let you know if your child is missing work. I can also send out other reminders to you if you have your phone and/or email set up on Infinite Campus. Thank you
REMIND app Please join the class by using the remind app 1-Download the Remind app on your device or computer and sign up by texting #81010 2- text the following code for your student’s class to join: 9th grade- @hunter9 10th grade- @hunterten 11th grade- @hunter11
9th grade: e4v73gz 10th grade: 2gi7i4i 11th grade: 4ffybbb Google Classroom We will be doing a lot of work on Google classroom and turning it in from there. Parent may want to monitor the class through their students access. The codes are as follows: 9th grade: e4v73gz 10th grade: 2gi7i4i 11th grade: 4ffybbb
Phone usage Students will be given the wifi password to be able to use technology for school work. This does not mean they may play with phones in class. Students who are playing with phones will be asked to put them in jail
Keeping track Please fill free to contact me with any concerns Check Infinite Campus often Google Classroom Use remind app to ask questions