Year 1 Autumn Term 1 Maths Reading Computing English PE We will be basing our English work around a picture book every half term. We will be writing recounts, character descriptions and instruction texts. We will be focusing on orally rehearsing sentences in order to support writing as well as including key punctuation in sentences such as finger spaces, capital letters and full stops. Maths In Maths we will start our work surrounding number. The children will be learning about ordering and comparing numbers, number bonds and addition and subtraction. Maths lessons will be taught in an active and engaging manner through the Singapore Maths Curriculum. Reading Your child will receive their reading books and school planner by the end of next week. Please ensure that their reading books and planner are brought into school everyday. Year 1 Autumn Term 1 PE PE will be on Wednesday and Friday please ensure your child's PE kit is always in school on these days and earrings aren’t worn to school on these days also. We will be working with Elite Sports to learn about invasion games. We will be learning about teamwork and using apparatus and equipment to support our learning. Creative Curriculum Our creative curriculum topic this term is ‘Splendid Skies’. In this topic we will be learning about seasonal changes through exploring the outdoors, the weather and the clothing that we wear in different seasons. The children will also take part in lots of exciting writing opportunities including writing postcards. Computing In computing we will be focusing on E-Saftey, to ensure that we are safe when online. We will also be focusing on programming.