Industrial Revolution In Great Britain
Essential Question: What were the causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution? Write everything except what is printed in green type.
Long Range Causes Agricultural Revolution Population Increase Strong stable governments
Immediate Causes New Inventions Large pool of workers New Sources of Energy: Coal & Steam
Access to raw materials & investment capital Existence of Markets Laissez-faire economy
Agricultural Revolution Enclosure movement Wool
Jethro Tull Seed Drill
Charles Turnip Townshend Crop rotation
Spinning Jenny James Hargreaves
Flying Shuttle John Kay Moved more quickly across loom Wider fabric more quickly
Power Loom Edmund Cartwright Ran on horse, water, steam
Cotton Gin Eli Whitney Cleaned cotton faster Increase demand raw cotton
Steam Engine James Watt Power factories Run continuously away from water
Coal Mining
Railroad George Stephenson Isambard Brunel The Rocket 1829 Steam Locomotive that ran on rails Isambard Brunel 1833 Great Western Railway Paddington Station, London
Internal-combustion Engine Gottlieb Daimler Gas powered boats & other vehicles New forms of transportation—car & airplane
Telephone Alexander Graham Bell Electrical wires transmit voices over long distances Instant communication
Lightbulb Thomas Edison Bright, safe, inexpensive electric lighting
Immediate Effects Rise of Factories New Methods of Production Changes in Transportation & Communication
Urbanization: Rapid growth of cities
Rise of Urban Working Class Use of child labor
Long Range Effects Growth of Labor Unions Increased Pollution
Inexpensive new products Rise of Big Business Expansion of Middle Class Competition for World Trade
Growth of Democracy Rise of Socialism
Realism in Literature & Art Charles Dickens Victor Hugo Leo Tolstoy