Composition/Writing Results Spring 2016 Student Academic Achievement Committee
Background Third time assessed New writing-across-the-curriculum rubric On-Line Writing Center used to assess Inter-rater reliability training 8 classes, 14 sections, 8 instructors, 208 students
2013 – 2016 Rubric/Scoring Changes
Overall Key Findings Three areas for assessment: Content, with an overall average of 2.48 Clarity, with an overall average of 2.22 Editing, with an overall average of 1.81 Scale 1-4 (4 highest) for Score Sheet 4. Excelling 3. Proficient 2. Approaching Proficient Below Proficient X. Did Not Address
Overall Key Findings Overall New Freshman Sophomore Clarity 2.26 2.22 No statistically significant difference between new freshmen and sophomores in any area in the spring 2016 assessment Overall New Freshman Sophomore Clarity 2.26 2.22 2.28 Language Use 2.05 1.98 2.09 Organizational 2.46 2.47 Content 2.52 2.57 2.49 Focus Issues Subject Matter 2.62 2.59 2.63 Support Issues 2.44 2.54 2.39 Correctness 1.81 1.75 1.83 Citation Issues 1.57 1.43 1.64 Format Issues 2.14 2.07 2.18 Mechanics Issues 1.70 1.74 1.68
Key Findings - Clarity Mean score of 2.26 (out of 4) Language use issues with score of 2.05 Organizational issues with score of 2.46 Sophomores scored slightly higher than new freshman in language use and organizational issues, but not at a statistically significant level
Key Findings - Content Mean score of 2.52 (out of 4), highest of three areas assessed Subject matter issues earned the highest scoring (2.62) Focus issues scored much lower (2.49), with support issues scoring the lowest of the three content areas (2.44) Sophomores outperformed new freshmen in subject matter issues but underperformed in focus and support, but not at a statistically significant level
Key Findings - Correctness Mean score of 1.81 (out of 4) suggests greatest need for improvement Citation mean score of 1.57 Format mean score of 2.14 Mechanics mean score of 1.70 Sophomores scored higher than new freshman in citation and format and lower in mechanics, but none of the means’ differences are statistically significant
Next Steps Dissemination of information at the college-level Leadership Council Division Meetings Assessment Happens Email blast to faculty Dissemination beyond college West Valley Think Tank Sharing with other colleges
Next Steps Discussion at college about best adjustments Writing Center mandatory for assignments Librarian consultation/visit the class Library resources embedded in assignments and in Canvas Continue to reinforce citation and editing