Tobacco Free Campus Initiative Update University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
WHAT WE HAVE DONE THUS FAR Met with the Chancellor in Nov. 2016 Attended 6 OSA meetings (3 Assembly and 3 Senate) during 2016-17 year. Invited OSA and directly contacted student organization members to ask for input in drafting the policy Interviewed by the radio station, Titan TV, and Advanced-Titan newspaper. Published an article in the February edition of Student Health 101, created posters, tabled in Reeve, and posted information flyers in Residence Hall bathrooms. Collected over 400 signatures to petition for a referendum vote. Met with University Staff Senate, Academic Staff Senate, and tried to meet with Faculty Staff Senate.
RESULTS FROM REFERENDUM The tobacco-free campus referendum was approved for the OSA election ballot, and students voted on March 14 th and 15 th . Of the 768 students who voted, 66% voted in favor of the tobacco-free campus policy as written.
WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW There has been a new processes adapted to UW Oshkosh in order for new policy's (like this one) to be passed. In the following slides, this new policy will be explained!
POLICY PROCESS Dr. Cheryl Green would be designated as the “Responsible Officer”. Duties Informs leadership council of policy review/development Determines who should be involved Post to policy web page Emails campus community on updated announcements
30 DAYS PHASE 1: DEVELOPMENT Responsible Officer would present policy to leadership council. Policy team would be created to review and develop draft. 30 DAYS
PHASE 2: FEEDBACK Responsible Officer would obtain and share feedback Present to: Oshkosh Student Association University Staff Senate Senate for Academic Staff Faculty Senate 45 DAYS Provost’s Admin Staff Chancellor’s Admin Staff Policy Team Constituent Group Constituents
PHASE 3: RECOMMENDATION Wait for recommendation vote from: Oshkosh Student Association University Staff Senate Senate for Academic Staff Faculty Senate 30 DAYS
PHASE 4: DECISION Responsible Officer would submit final draft to Chancellor Leavitt
QUESTIONS? Is there anything we can do on our end to ensure your voice is heard throughout this process?