(eResearch Paper – Cryosphere and Atmosphere)


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Presentation transcript:

(eResearch Paper – Cryosphere and Atmosphere) Wednesday March 28, 2018 (eResearch Paper – Cryosphere and Atmosphere)

The Launch Pad 1/1 80 – (5.5 x 20) = -30 degrees Wednesday, 3/28/18 As you ascend up into the troposphere, temperature decreases with altitude, which is referred to as the environmental lapse rate. A dry lapse rate of 5.5°F/1,000 ft. is often used to calculate temperature changes in air not at 100% relative humidity. A wet lapse rate of 3°F/1,000 ft. is used to calculate the temperature changes in air that is saturated (i.e., air at 100% relative humidity). Knowing this, what is the temperature at 20,000 feet over an area of land that has a temperature of 80 degrees on a dry day. 80 – (5.5 x 20) = -30 degrees groundwater

Announcements Remediation for Quiz 13 ends TODAY at 5:00! We may take Quiz 14 tomorrow!

QUIZ 13 3/7 3/21 N/A 3/27 S1 TODAY F3 F4 Assignment Summative or Formative # Date Issued Gone Missing Day Last Day Accepted QUIZ 13 S1 3/7 TODAY Worksheet – The Cryosphere F3 3/21 N/A Hold for eResearch Paper Worksheet – The Structure and Composition of the Atmosphere F4 3/27

eResearch Paper The Cryosphere The Structure and Composition of the Atmosphere You can use your worksheets titled “The Cryosphere” and “The Structure and Composition of the Atmosphere” on this assessment!