A very brief mark scheme… Level 1 Basic Identifies factor (can do as many as you want) Statement – does not answer the question Level 2 simple One explanation (simple because its mono-casual) – ‘one reason for everything…’ Level 3 developed Two or more explained identified factors Low level 3 – one explained factor, one identified
Paper 2 –Thematic: the ‘comparison’ question Events in question What do we mean by similarity? Compare the Black Death in the fourteenth century and the Great Plague in the seventeenth century. In what ways were they similar? (8 marks) Explain your answer with reference to both events. Students need to identify and explain way(s) in which the two key events are similar. In order to do this, they need to reference both key events. Students do not need to identify or explain differences as well. Command words
Compare the Black Death in the fourteenth century and the Great Plague in the seventeenth century. In what ways were they similar? (8 marks) Explain your answer with reference to both events. Level Descriptor Mark Level 1 Basic explanation of similarity/similarities Answer demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding that is relevant to the question. Candidates identify similarity/similarities, which are relevant to the question. Explanation at this level is likely to be implicit or by assertion. 1-2 Level 2 Simple explanation of one similarity Answer demonstrates specific knowledge and understanding that is relevant to the question Candidates may progress from a basic explanation of similarity by reasoning supported with factual knowledge and understanding which might be related to, for example, one of the identified similarities. 3-4 Level 3 Developed explanation of similarities Answer demonstrates a range of accurate knowledge and understanding that is relevant to the question Extends Level 2. Candidates may progress from a simple explanation of similarity with developed reasoning considering two or more identified similarities, supported by factual knowledge and understanding. 5-6 Level 4 Complex explanation of similarities Answer demonstrates a range of accurate and detailed knowledge and understanding that is relevant to the question Extends Level 3. Candidates may progress from a developed explanation of similarity by the explanation of the complexities of similarities arising from the broader historical context supported by factual knowledge and understanding. 7-8 Lots of knowledge but no explanation only gives you 2 marks OR events looked at separately One similarity is identified and explained = level 2 Two or more explained similarities = level 3 Complex explanation = Extent of similarity How the similarities are connected