UNITED MAINTENANCE AND CONTRACTING Business Process Reengineering Accounting Business Processes The Input area of the Beam is a shape with a picture fill. To change this, ensure you have the image you wish to use (ideally a .jpg or a .png file) in an accessible folder. The image should have a ratio of 1:1 to ensure it does not appear distorted. When choosing an Input image, follow the principles on The Branding Zone. Customize the Input area of the Beam as described below. In the View tab, click Slide Master from the Presentation Views group. Right-click on the Input graphic and select Format Picture. From the Fill menu, select Picture or texture fill and click Insert from file. Navigate to the folder containing the image you wish to insert in the Input area. Highlight the image and click Insert. You can now preview the image before continuing. If you are happy with how it looks, click OK to continue. Otherwise, repeat the process until you are happy with your selected image. To exit from Slide Master View, click Normal from the Presentation Views group in the View tab. The change you made to the Input graphic should now be visible on the slide.
Contents Objectives Introduction to Business Process Flows Accounting Business Process Flows
Objectives This is a predetermined divider slide and should not be modified.
Objectives The key objectives of the accounting processes are as follows: Provide UNIMAC personnel with a reference document for an overview and understanding of key accounting processes. Ensure that accounting activities are conducted effectively and efficiently within a controlled environment. Facilitate the automation of accounting processes.
Introduction to Business Process Flows This is a predetermined divider slide and should not be modified.
Introduction to Business Process Flows A process is a series of related activities that “flow” through an organization. Processes are not limited to a single function or department and allow a view of activities from their initiation to their conclusion. Process flows allow a diagrammatic view of vital information pertaining to a process, including activities, responsibilities, inputs and outputs. It represents the sequential steps involved in converting a specific input into a required output. Process flows assist in breaking down functional areas to focus on a process view of the organization, aiding in assessing efficiencies and required controls. The accounting business processes have been developed taking into consideration the existing functions at UNIMAC.
Process Symbols This symbol starts the process This symbol represents a group of steps or activities to perform work (i.e. a process). Activity This symbol represents an activity to perform work defined in detail. This symbol may represent automated or manual activity. Decision This symbol represents a decision. Decisions are typically phased as “yes/no” questions. Look for a “yes” path and a “no” path out of this symbol This symbol represents information input / output, such as a report or document. This symbol does not always imply hard copy, as some are verbal. Input / Output Ref This symbol represents an off page reference. Indicates a cross-reference with another page of the flowchart This represents an input or output symbol of “Information Entered into System” or “Information Received from System”. Database End This symbol concludes the process.
Accounting Business Process Flows This is a predetermined divider slide and should not be modified.
Accounting Department Accounting Processes UNIMAC Accounting Department will perform the following main functions and processes: Accounting Department 1.1- General Leger (GL) 1.2- Accounts Receivable (AR) 1.3- Fixed Assets (FA) 1.4- Accounts Payable (AP) 1.5- Payroll
General Ledger (GL) The graphic on the divider slide is an AutoShape with a solid fill. To insert an appropriate image, ensure you have the image you wish to use (ideally a .jpg or a .png file) in an accessible folder. The image should have a ratio of 2:1 to ensure it does not appear distorted. In the View tab, click Slide Master from the Presentation Views group. Right-click on the graphic and select Format Shape. From the Fill menu, select Picture or texture fill and click Insert from file. Navigate to the folder containing the image you wish to insert in the divider slide graphic. Highlight the image and click Insert. You can now preview the image before continuing. If you are happy with how it looks, click OK to continue. Otherwise, repeat the process until you are happy with your selected image. To exit from Slide Master View, click Normal from the Presentation Views group in the View tab. The change you made to the divider slide graphic should now be visible on the slide.
1.1 General Leger Process Name Process Number The following section displays the General Ledger Processes as indicated in the following table: Process Name Process Number Maintenance of the Chart of Accounts 1.1.1 Manual Recording of Daily Entries 1.1.2 Reconciliation Entries 1.1.3 Recurring Entries 1.1.4 General Ledger Reconciliation 1.1.5 Closing the Financial Period 1.1.6 Preparing End-of-Period Financial Statements 1.1.7
1.1 General Leger إدترة الموارد البشرية Input (1.1.3) (1.1.2) (1.1.6) Reconciliation Entries (1.1.2) Manual Recording of Daily Entries (1.1.1) Maintenance of the Chart of Accounts (1.1.6) Closing the Financial Period (1.1.5) General Ledger Reconciliation (1.1.4) Recurring Entries Accounting Department (1.1.7) Preparing End-of-Period Financial Statements Output
1.1.1 Maintenance of the Chart of Accounts Input Accounting System Accounting System Accounting System GL Account Requirements (Determined) 6. Add, delete or update the account number in GL, and inform Accounting Department Manager that the required updating was finalized 2. Develop a formal request to update the Chart of Accounts 1. Determine GL Account requirements in terms of additions, deletions or updating GL Accountant (A) 3. Review the updating request and provide comments and recommendations 7. Verify the updating and review account No. in GL Head of General Accounts Section End 4. Review the Updating Request Manager of Accounting Department 5. Approve the Updating Request Finance Manager/CFO Output Accounting System (Updated) Accounting System (Updated) Accounting System (Updated) Accounting System (Updated) GL Account Requirements (Determined)
1.1.2 Manual Recording of Daily Entries Input Supporting Document And Approvals Journal Entry (Accounting 01) Journal Entry (Accounting 01) Journal Entry (Accounting 01) Supporting Document & Approvals (Reviewed) Supporting Document And Approvals 5. Maintain and archive the daily entries document and their supporting documents Archiving Officer End 1. Receive and review the supporting documents and approvals 4. Post journal entries to GL 2. Prepare journal entries Accountant 3. Receive and approve the journal entries after validating their preparations Treasury Section Section/ Head of And Fixed Assets Head of Inventory Accounts Section/ Head of General Output Journal & Supporting Documents (Archive) Accounting System (updated) Journal Entry (Accounting 01) Journal Entry (Accounting 01) Supporting Document And Approvals (Reviewed)
1.1.3. Reconciliation Entries Input List of Reconciliation Entries/ Due Reconciliations Due Entries Requirements 1. Determine all reconciliation entries to be posted into GL, and prepare a list for the same Head of General Accounts Section 2. Review and approve the reconciliation entries list that must be posted to GL Manager of Accounting Department manual recording of journal entries Accountant Output Accounting System (Updated) List of Reconciliation Entries/ Due Reconciliations List of Reconciliation Entries/ Due Reconciliations
Head of General Accounts Section 1.1.4. Recurring Entries Input Logged Recurring Entries Supporting Documents Logged Recurring Entries Recurring Entries that must be posted to GL Supporting Documents Due Entries Requirements 5. Review and approve the recurring entries after validating their preparation Head of General Accounts Section 1. Determine all recurring entries that must be posted into GL in every accounting period All recurring entries have been entered 4. Print the entered recurring entries and their supporting documents 3. Prepare the recurring entries and enter them in Accounting System 2. prepare, receive and inspect the supporting documents Ref 1.1.4 cont Yes Accountant No Output Logged Recurring Entries (Approved) Accounting System (Updated) List of Reconciliation Entries/ Due Reconciliations Recurring Entries that must be posted to GL
1.1.4. Recurring Entries(Cont’d) Input Supporting Documents Logged Recurring Entries 6. Maintain and archive documents related to the recurring entries and their supporting documents Ref. 1.1.4 cont Archiving Officer End Output
1.1.5. General Ledger Reconciliation Input GL and Sub ledger Reports (After printing and reconciliation) Accounting System Supporting Documents Reconciliation Entries 2. Print reports related to end-of period entries and the reconciliation between GL and sub Ledger balances 1. Ensure that all end-of-period entries have been recorded and posted to GL Head of General Accounts Section Yes There are differences 3. Review reconciliation between GL and Sub-ledger balances Manager of Accounting Department No 4. Approve reconciliation between GL and sub-Ledger balances Finance Manager/CFO 5. Archive reconciliation report with supporting documents Archiving Officer End Output Reconciliation (to files) Accounting System (Updated) Reconciliations (Reviewed) GL and Sub ledger Reports (After printing and reconciliation) Accounting System (Updated)
1.1.6. Closing the Financial Period Input Financial Reports Trial Balance (Audited) Accounting System Accounting System 1. Ensure that all the period’s financial movements have been posted into the Accounting System and Reconciliated Reconciliation Entries 2. Print Trial Balance GL Accountant(C) Yes Prepare financial statements at the end of the period 3. Audit Trial Balance and determine the need for any reconciliation entries No Need for reconciliation entries Head of General Accounts Section 4. Review and approve end of period closing Manager of Accounting Department / Finance Manager Ref. 1.1.6 cont Errors No Yes Output End of Period Closing (Approved) Financial Reports Trial Balance (Audited) Accounting System Accounting System (Determined)
1.1.6. Closing the Financial Period (Cont’d) Input End of Period Closing (Approved) 5. Post closing entries Ref. 1.1.6 cont GL Accountant (C) End Output Accounting System (Updated)
1.1.7 Preparing End-of-Period Financial Statements Input Final Financial Statements Draft Financial Statements (After Amendment) Draft Financial Statements (Reviewed) Draft Financial Statements Accounting System Draft Financial Statements /Trial Balance GL Accountant (C) 1. Develop draft Financial Statements 2. Review draft financial statements and determine need for reconciliation, if any Head of General Accounts Section 3. Develop Final Financial Statements Reconciliation Entries GL Accountant (A) Ref. 1.1.7 cont 4. Review and approved Financial Statements Accounting Department Manager Output Approved Final Financial Statements Final Financial Statements Draft Financial Statements (After Amendment) Draft Financial Statements (Reviewed) Draft Financial Statements
1.1.7 Preparing End-of-Period Financial Statements (Cont’d) Input Approved Final Financial Statements 5. Review and Approve Financial Statement in accordance with the DOA General Manager Of Finance & IT Ref. 1.1.7 Cont End Output Approved and Distributed Final Financial Statements
Accounts Receivable The graphic on the divider slide is an AutoShape with a solid fill. To insert an appropriate image, ensure you have the image you wish to use (ideally a .jpg or a .png file) in an accessible folder. The image should have a ratio of 2:1 to ensure it does not appear distorted. In the View tab, click Slide Master from the Presentation Views group. Right-click on the graphic and select Format Shape. From the Fill menu, select Picture or texture fill and click Insert from file. Navigate to the folder containing the image you wish to insert in the divider slide graphic. Highlight the image and click Insert. You can now preview the image before continuing. If you are happy with how it looks, click OK to continue. Otherwise, repeat the process until you are happy with your selected image. To exit from Slide Master View, click Normal from the Presentation Views group in the View tab. The change you made to the divider slide graphic should now be visible on the slide.
1.2 Accounts Receivable Process Name Process Number The following section displays the Accounts Receivable Processes as indicated in the following table: Process Name Process Number Create the Main Clients Register 1.2.1 Invoice Issuance 1.2.2 Collection 1.2.3 Accounts Receivable Ageing 1.2.4 Provision for Doubtful Accounts 1.2.5 Write off Doubtful Accounts 1.2.6 Clients Credit / Debit Notes 1.2.7 Reconciliation of Receivables with General Ledger 1.2.8
1.2 Accounts Receivable إدارة الموارد البشرية Input Output (1.2.3) Collection (1.2.2) Invoice Issuance (1.2.1) Create the Main Clients Register (1.2.6) Write off Doubtful Accounts (1.2.5) Provision for Doubtful Accounts (1.2.4) Accounts Receivable Ageing Accounting Department (1.2.8) Reconciliation of Receivables with GL (1.2.7) Clients Credit / Debit Note Output
1.2.1. Create the Main Clients Register Input 2. Create a register for clients 1. Assessment and Approval of Clients End Sales Department Output
1.2.2. Invoice Issuance Input Output Invoice Invoice 1. Issuance of an Invoice to a client Sales Department 2. Record the invoice in the Accounting System Accountant Accounts Receivable (A) 3. Review and post the entry Chief Accountant 4. Archive documents Archiving Officer End Output Accounting System Invoice (Recorded) Invoice
1.2.3. Collection Input Output Collector Supporting Documents End Receipt Voucher (ACCOUNTING 09) (matching) Payment and Supporting Documents (Received) Supporting Documents End 3. Collect and send documents 2. Prepare and deliver a receipt voucher 1. Collect payments through different means of collection 6. Contact the relevant department for clarification Collector 5. Ensure from sources of payment voucher through contacting the bank or verifying unpaid invoices or old customer accounts No matching Accountant Accounts Receviable (A) Yes No matching Senior Accountant 4. Matching of vouchers against client’s balance Yes manual recording of journal entries Accountant Accounts Receviable (A) Output Accounting System Receipt Voucher (ACCOUNTING 09) (matching) Supporting Documents (Received)
1.2.4. Accounts Receivable Ageing Input Accounts Receviable Ageing Analysis Report Accounting System Aaccounts Receviable Report 3. Verify client payment 2. Determine the due balances and inform the collector Accountant Accounts Receviable (A) 1. Prepare the Accounts Receviable Ageing Analysis Report 7. Log transactions End 4. Review client account statements and obtain approval according to the Matrix of Authority Credit Clients Officer 6. Review the action that must be taken and inform relevant departments Manager of Accounting Department 5. Review client statement and suggest the necessary action Manager of Accounting Department/ Finance Manager Output Accounting System Procedures (Proposed) Client Statement of Account (Received) Unpaid Invoices Delayed Due Balances (Determined) Accounts Receviable Ageing Analysis Report
1.2.5. Provision for Doubtful Accounts Input Provision for Doubtful Accounts (suggested) Provision for Doubtful Accounts (suggested) Accounts Receviable Ageing Report 1. Determine all Accounts Receviable that exceeded their targeted collection period, that must be provisioned CRM Officer 2. Review the list of client Accounts Receivable and determine the Doubtful Accounts, that must be provisioned Finance Manager 3. Review the list of Doubtful Accounts and obtain approval according to the Delegation of Authority Matrix (DOA) Finance Manager Accountant Accounts Receviable (A) 4. Log accounting entries according to the approved list of suggestions End Output Write- off of Doubtful Accounts (Approved) Provision for Doubtful Accounts (suggested) Provision for Doubtful Accounts
1.2.6. Write- off of Doubtful Accounts Input Write- off of Doubtful Accounts (Proposed) Write- off of Doubtful Accounts Accounts Receviable Ageing Report CRM 7. Send final list to Legal Advisor take necessary legal action, if required 6. Send write off list to relevant departments to review and comment 1. Determine all Client Accounts Receivable eligible for write off End 2. Review client accounts and determine Accounts Receviable for write off Finance Manager 3. Review Doubtful Accounts list, and obtain approval for write off as per DOA General Manager 5. Inform credit clients to prepare a debit/ credit note 4. Enter debt write offs in the accounting System Accountant Receviable (A) Output Accounting System Write- off of Doubtful Accounts (Approved) Write off of Doubtful Accounts (suggested) Accounts Receviable qualified for write off
1.2.7. Clients Credit / Debit Notes Input Debit / Credit Note (ACCOUNTING 02) (Approved) Debit / Credit Note (ACCOUNTING 02) (Updated) Debit / Credit Note (ACCOUNTING 02) (prepared) Checks Returned from the bank Supporting Documents from other Departments 6. Log the credit / debit note 2. Prepare debit/ credit note based on the supporting documents 1. Obtain supporting documents relating to the client’s account Accountant Accounts Receviable (A) Credit Clients Officer / Manager of Accounting Department 3. Review debit/ credit note by examining supporting documents 5. Deliver the credit/ Debit note to the client Finance Manager 4. Approve the debit/ credit note manual recording of journal entries Accountant Accounts Receviable (A) Output Debit / Credit Note (ACCOUNTING 02) (Delivered to Client) Debit / Credit Note (ACCOUNTING 02) (Approved) Debit / Credit Note (ACCOUNTING 02) (reviewed) Debit / Credit Note (ACCOUNTING 02) (prepared) Supporting Documents (reviewed)
1.2.8. Reconciliation of Receivables with GL Input Accounts Receviable Reports (Reviewed and Approved) Accounts Receviable Reports (Printed) All end of Period Entries (Posted) Supporting Documents GL Reconciliation 2. Print all reports related to the client’s invoices and payments 1. Ensure that all end of period movements have been posted into GL Accountant Accounts Receviable (A) 3. Review reports, sign the reconciliation, as per Delegation of Authority CRM Output Accounts Receviable Reports (Reviewed and Approved) Accounts Receviable Reports (Printed) All end of Period Entries (Posted)
Fixed Assets The graphic on the divider slide is an AutoShape with a solid fill. To insert an appropriate image, ensure you have the image you wish to use (ideally a .jpg or a .png file) in an accessible folder. The image should have a ratio of 2:1 to ensure it does not appear distorted. In the View tab, click Slide Master from the Presentation Views group. Right-click on the graphic and select Format Shape. From the Fill menu, select Picture or texture fill and click Insert from file. Navigate to the folder containing the image you wish to insert in the divider slide graphic. Highlight the image and click Insert. You can now preview the image before continuing. If you are happy with how it looks, click OK to continue. Otherwise, repeat the process until you are happy with your selected image. To exit from Slide Master View, click Normal from the Presentation Views group in the View tab. The change you made to the divider slide graphic should now be visible on the slide.
1.3 Fixed Assets Process Name Process Number The following section presents the Fixed Assets processes as indicated in the following table: Process Name Process Number Create/ Update the Main Register of Fixed Assets 1.3.1 Transfer Fixed Assets 1.3.2 Depreciation of Fixed Assets 1.3.3 Disposal of Fixed Assets 1.3.4 Inventory of Fixed Assets 1.3.5 Reconciliation of Fixed Assets with GL 1.3.6
1.3 Fixed Assets إدترة الموارد البشرية Input Accounting Department (1.3.3) Depreciation of Fixed Assets (1.3.2) Transfer Fixed Assets (1.3.1) Create/ Update the Main Register of Fixed Assets Accounting Department (1.3.6) Reconciliation of Fixed Assets with GL (1.3.5) Inventory of Fixed Assets (1.3.4) Disposal of Fixed Assets Output
1.3.1. Create/ Update the Main Register of Fixed Assets Input From of Creating/ Updating Fixed Assets Registers (Accounting 03) Accounting System Supporting Documents to newly Purchased Fixed Assets There is a register for purchased Fixed Assets 1. Receive Supporting documents proving the purchase of Fixed Assets from commercial Affairs Department Yes Fixed Assets Accountant (A) No manual recording of journal entries 4. Create Fixed Assets Register 2. Prepare a new register creation request Fixed Assets Accountant (B) 3. Approve the new register creation request Accounting Manager Output Capitalization of Fixed Assets (ACCOUNTING 07) Accounting System (Updated) From of Creating/ Updating Fixed Assets Registers (Accounting 03)
Manager of Accounting Department Fixed Assets Accountant (B) 1.3.2. Transfer Fixed Assets Input Fixed Assets Transfer Request ACCOUNTING 08 (Approved) Fixed Assets Transfer Request ACCOUNTING 08 (Prepared) Fixed Assets Transfer Request ACCOUNTING 08 (Prepared) Fixed Assets (Received) 2. Obtain approval of the relevant managers as per Delegation of Authority Matrix 1. Prepare Fixed Assets Transfer request Concerned Party 3. Receive the from of Fixed Assets transfer request and verify completion of all required approvals Accounting Manager 4. Approve finalization of transfer Manager of Accounting Department Create/ update the main register of Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Accountant (B) Output Accounting System (Updated) Fixed Assets Transfer Request ACCOUNTING 08 (Approved) Fixed Assets Transfer Request ACCOUNTING 08 (Prepared)
1.3.3. Depreciation of Fixed Assets Input Assets Depreciations Report (approved) Assets Depreciations Report (approved) Assets Depreciations Report (reviewed and revised) Assets Depreciations Report End of Month Processing No need for amendment Yes 1. Complete depreciation of Fixed Assets by the end of every month, and generate the depreciation report arising there from No Fixed Assets Accountant (A/B) Create/ update the main register of Fixed Assets manual recording of journal entries 2. Review depreciation report and introduce necessary amendments, if needed Head of Accounts 3. Review and approve the Fixed Assets depreciation report and instruct amendments on it, if necessary Manager of Accounting Department Output Accounting System (Approved) Accounting System (Approved) Assets Depreciations Report (approved) Assets Depreciations Report (reviewed and revised) Assets Depreciation Report
1.3.4. Disposal of Fixed Assets Input Dispose/ Transfer Fixed Assets (Accounting 08) Request Disposal of a Fixed Asset Ref 1.3.4 Cont. Destroy Relevant Party or Fixed Assets Committee Destroy or sell 1. Determine need for disposal of Fixed Assets 7. Arrange disposal of Fixed Assets 6. Arrange sale of Fixed Assets Sell 2. Receive the application and develop the disposal Form of Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Accountant (A) Head of Inventory and Fixed Assets Section 3. Review application Manager of Accounting Dept. 4. Review application 5. Obtain Approval on the disposal of Fixed Assets according to Delegation of Authority Finance Manager Output Fixed Assets (sold or disposed) Dispose/ Transfer Fixed Assets (Accounting 08) (Approved) Dispose/ Transfer Fixed Assets (Accounting 08)
1.3.4. Disposal of Fixed Assets (Cont’d) Input Dispose/ Transfer Fixed Assets (Accounting 08) (Approved) Create/ update the main register of Fixed Assets manual recording of journal entries Yes Fixed Assets Account ant (A/B) Asset fully depreciated Ref 1.3.4 Cont. No 8. Review request for Fixed Assets write off Manager of Accounting Department 9. Obtain approval on write off of Fixed Assets according to Delegation of authority Matrix Finance Manager Output Accounting System (Updated) Accounting System (Updated) Accounting System (Updated)
1.3.5. Inventory of Fixed Assets Input Inventory Process and differences (Approved) List of Fixed Assets to be Inventoried (ACCOUNTING 06) Accounting System Accounting System Create/ update the main register of Fixed Assets 2. Print Fixed Assets list according to each site and send it to Inventory Committee Assets Accountant (A/C) Fixed 1. Schedule and prepare for inventory of Fixed Assets 4. Search for causes of inventory variations/differences Yes Differences 3. Conduct Inventory Inventory Committee No 5. Review inventory and justify differences Head of Inventory and Fixed Assets 6. Review inventory report and approve its results as per Delegation of Authority Matrix Finance Manager Output Accounting System (Updated) Inventory Process and differences (Approved) Inventory Process (Conducted) List of Fixed Assets to be Inventoried (ACCOUNTING 06) Inventory Process (Schedules)
1.3.6. Reconciliation of Fixed Assets with GL Input Fixed Assets Report (Reviewed and signed) Accounting System Accounting System Supporting Documents GL Reconciliation 2. Print all Fixed Assets reports 1. Ensure that all period movements have been recorded and posted to GL Fixed Assets Accountant (A) Head of Inventory and Fixed Assets Section (Accounting Manager in Charge) 3. Ensure non-existence of differences in Fixed Assets amounts as well as in their description and details 4. Review report s and sign them for reconciliation Manager of Accounting Department Output Fixed Assets Report (Reviewed and signed) Accounting System Accounting System (Updated) Accounting System (Updated)
Accounts Payable The graphic on the divider slide is an AutoShape with a solid fill. To insert an appropriate image, ensure you have the image you wish to use (ideally a .jpg or a .png file) in an accessible folder. The image should have a ratio of 2:1 to ensure it does not appear distorted. In the View tab, click Slide Master from the Presentation Views group. Right-click on the graphic and select Format Shape. From the Fill menu, select Picture or texture fill and click Insert from file. Navigate to the folder containing the image you wish to insert in the divider slide graphic. Highlight the image and click Insert. You can now preview the image before continuing. If you are happy with how it looks, click OK to continue. Otherwise, repeat the process until you are happy with your selected image. To exit from Slide Master View, click Normal from the Presentation Views group in the View tab. The change you made to the divider slide graphic should now be visible on the slide.
1.4 Accounts Payable The following section presents the Accounts Payable Processes as indicated in the following table: Process Name Process Number Create Main Vendor Register 1.4.1 Matching and Recording of an Invoice 1.4.2 Payment through Checks 1.4.3 Payment through Bank Transfers 1.4.4 Credit/ Debit Note to the Vendor 1.4.5 Reconciliation of Accounts Payable with GL 1.4.6
1.4 Accounts Payable إدترة الموارد البشرية Input Accounting Department (1.4.3) Payment through Checks (1.4.2) Matching and Recording of an Invoice (1.4.1) Create Main Vendor Register Accounting Department (1.4.6) Reconciliation of Accounts Payable with GL (1.4.5) Credit/ Debit Note to the Vendor (1.4.4) Payment through Bank Transfers Output
1.4.1. Create Main Vendor Register Input 2. Create Vendor register 1. Evaluate and approve vendors End Materials Department Output
1.4.2. Matching and Recording of an Invoice Input Invoice 1. Receive the Invoice Materials Department Accounts Payable accountant (A) 2. Log the Invoice in the Accounting System 3. Review and Post the entry Senior Accountant Archiving officer 4. Archive documents End Output Accounting System Invoice (Recorded) Invoice
1.4.3. Payment through Checks Accounts Payable Report, Vendor Statement of accounts, Purchase Order, receipt voucher , Contracting Progress Certificate, and Necessary Documents Input Prepared Checks and receipt voucher s Accounts Payable accountant (A) 2. Prepare a payment voucher 1. Receive and review Supporting Documents 3. Review the payment voucher Senior Accountant 5. Match the check and payment voucher with the Invoice Financial Audit Section Manager of Accounting Department 6. Review payment voucher and check No Approved 7. Approve payment and sigh checks Authorized Signatory Yes Accounts Payable accountant (B) Ref 1.4.3 Cont. 4. Prepare Check based on the payment voucher Output Checks (signed) payment Voucher )Accounting 04) (approve) Prepared Check Payment Voucher )Accounting 04)
1.4.3. Payment through Checks (Cont’d) Input Payment Voucher )Accounting 04) (approve) Checks (signed) 8. Deliver Checks and obtain a receipt Ref 1.4.3 Cont. Cashier Accounts Payable accountant (A) 9. Register and post the payment voucher including payment details in GL End Output Accounting System (Updated) Receipt
1.4.4. payment through Bank Transfers Accounts Payable Ageing Report, Vendor Statement of accounts, Purchase Order, receipt voucher Voucher, Contracting Progress certificate, and Necessary Documents Input Bank Transfer (signed) Prepared Bank Transfers and receipt vouchers Accounts Payable Accountant (A) 2. Prepare a payment voucher 1. Receive and review Supporting Documents Head of General Accounts Section Ref 1.4.3 Cont. 8. Deliver the transfer form to the Bank to perform transfer 3. Review the payment voucher 5 match receipt voucher and bank transfer vis-a-vis the invoice Financial Audit Section 6. Review receipt voucher and bank transfer Manager of Accounting Department No Approved Yes 7. Approve payment and sign the bank transfer Authorized Signatory 4. Prepare bank transfer form based on the receipt voucher Accounts Payable Accountant (B) Output Bank Transfer (signed) Payment Voucher )Accounting 04) (approve) Prepared Bank Transfer Payment Voucher )Accounting 04)
1.4.4. Payment through Bank Transfers (Cont’d) Input Payment Voucher )Accounting 04) (approved) Accounts Payable accountant (A) 9. Record and post the receipt voucher including payment details to GL Ref 1.4.3 Cont. End Output Accounting System (Updated)
1.4.5. Credit / Debit Note to the Vendor Supporting Documents (Vender Negotiation Memo if there are any differences in purchasing items) Input Debit Note )Accounting 02) (Approved) Debit Note )Accounting 02) (Approved) Debit Note )Accounting 02) (Reviewed) Debit Note )Accounting 02( (Prepared) 6. Send credit / debit Note to Resources Department 2. Prepare a credit/ debit note based on Supporting Documents 1. Receive supporting documents relating to lender accounts Accounts Payable Accountant (A) 3. Review and examine credit/ debit note based on Supporting Documents Head of General Accounts Section 4. Initial approval of credit/ debit note Manager of Accounting Department 5. Approve credit/ debit note Finance Manager manual recording of journal entries Accounts Payable Accountant (A) Output Debit Note )Accounting 02) (Received) Debit Note )Accounting 02) (Approved) Debit Note )Accounting 02) (Reviewed) Debit Note )Accounting 02) (Prepared) Supporting Documents (Reviewed)
1.4.6. Reconciliation of Accounts Payable with GL Input Accounts Payable Reports (Approved and Reviewed) Sub Ledger reports (Printed) Accounting System Supporting Documents (Vendor Invoices, Contractors’ Payments, Approved Payments, etc.) GL Reconciliation 2. Print all reports relating to vendor invoices and payments 1. Ensure that all end of period movements have been recorded and posted to GL Accounts Payable accountant (A) 3. Review reports and obtain required approvals as per Delegation of Authority Matrix Senior Accountant Output Accounts Payable Reports (Approved and Reviewed) Sub Ledger reports (Printed) Accounting System (Updated)
Payroll The graphic on the divider slide is an AutoShape with a solid fill. To insert an appropriate image, ensure you have the image you wish to use (ideally a .jpg or a .png file) in an accessible folder. The image should have a ratio of 2:1 to ensure it does not appear distorted. In the View tab, click Slide Master from the Presentation Views group. Right-click on the graphic and select Format Shape. From the Fill menu, select Picture or texture fill and click Insert from file. Navigate to the folder containing the image you wish to insert in the divider slide graphic. Highlight the image and click Insert. You can now preview the image before continuing. If you are happy with how it looks, click OK to continue. Otherwise, repeat the process until you are happy with your selected image. To exit from Slide Master View, click Normal from the Presentation Views group in the View tab. The change you made to the divider slide graphic should now be visible on the slide.
Reconciliation of Payroll with General Ledger The following section presents the Payroll processes as indicated in the following table: Process Name Process Number Processing Payroll 1.5.1 Reconciliation of Payroll with General Ledger 1.5.2
Reconciliation of Payroll with General Ledger إدترة الموارد البشرية Input (1.5.2) Reconciliation of Payroll with General Ledger (1.5.1) Processing Payroll Accounting Department Output
1.5.1. Processing Payroll Input Output Accounting System HR System Accounting System 6. Reconciliation entries with Accounting System Payroll Officer at HR Department 4. Verify from HR Department 2. Compare current period payroll with previous periods 1. Calculate and Prepare Payroll – Overtime received from PMO Yes Large Differences 3. Review differences, additions, deductions Financial Audit Section No 5. Post entries into the Accounting System Head of General Accounts Section Payment by Bank transfers Payment by Checks payment Officer Output Accounting System (Updated) Accounting System (Updated)
1.5.2. Reconciliation of Payroll with GL Input Payroll Reports (Reviewed and Approved) Payroll Reports (Printed) All end of Period Entries (Posted) Supporting Documents 3. Review reports and obtain required approvals according to Delegation of Authority Matrix to start reconciliation 1. Ensure that all end of period movements have ben posted into GL Financial Audit Section 2. Print all Payroll reports Payroll Officer GL Reconciliation General Accounts Section Output Payroll Reports (Reviewed and Approved) Payroll Reports (Printed) All end of Period Entries (Posted)