By Kathleen Fitzpatrick Temperate Grasslands By Kathleen Fitzpatrick
Food Web
Where are Temperate Grasslands found? North America, Eastern Europe, South America, Middle East, Asia, Australia Ex) Prairies in North America
Climate: Summer temperatures can reach up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit but Winter can be down to -40 degrees Fahrenheit Average precipitation is 10-30 inches per year Also called steppes/prairies/pampas
Flora and Fauna Jackrabbits, snakes, foxes, deer, grasshoppers, leafhoppers Predominantly grass, some trees (often cottonwood), shrubs
Adaptations Nutrient rich soils (food source for plants and animals) Most species are herbivores and have developed a special digestive system to help with grass diet Ex) Some species, like prairie dogs, have developed paws that enable them to dig to hide from predators
Human Impact Overgrazing and Plowing Two major threats 47% of temperate grasslands converted to agricultural or urban developments
Fun Facts There is a grassland biome on each continent with the exception of Antarctica. Grasslands are perfect for cropping and pasturing because its soil runs deep and is extremely fertile.