The role of national infrastructure in enabling CAV… 85 years of impactful innovation, evidencing multi-£billion annual economic value across 145 countries Our focus: Automated, Connected, Electrified and Shared services (“ACES”) – underpinned by intelligent asset information, machine learning and artificial intelligence – creating tomorrow’s New Mobility Global Market for New Mobility Investments of $9bn, 23% CAGR (R.Berger); Smart Cities, Automotive & Technology Co’s. China expected to be $14bn market by 2020 (China’s technology minister, Miao We) A global race for commercial leadership and societal gains, with multitude of $bn “bets” Smart Mobility Living Lab: London A £20m world-leading innovation, testing, evaluation and validation environment for New Mobility products and services, deployed in Europe’s only Megacity, London, amongst real-life traffic. TRL’s active interventions Engaged in >£75m of CAV programmes, aimed at accelerating innovation, safely Largest consumer trial in Europe, 584k miles evidencing ULEV adoption behaviours Advising (technical) CAV/vehicle safety regulatory change through UK, EC and UN Shared Research Programme: