MODULE 2 UNIT 5 Chemical Agents Allow 60 minutes for this section
Unit 5 Learning Objectives At the completion of this unit Operations level personnel will Describe the most common types of Chemical agents used in a WMD attack and their associated signs and symptoms. Read to Student
Student Performance Objectives Describe the two classifications of chemicals used in WMD. Describe the 5 types of chemical agents. Describe the basic action mechanism for : Blood Agents, Blister Agents, Nerve Agents, Choking Agents, and Riot Agents. Read to Students
Student Performance Objectives Describe basic decontamination for chemical agents. Describe the process for chemical weapon manufacture. Read to students
Chemical Agents Industrial Chemicals (TICs) Chemical Agents What is in your neighborhood? Chemical Agents Blood Blister Nerve Choking Riot Control State: Industrial chemicals sometimes called Toxic industrial chemicals have been and will continue to be a source of weapons for Terrorist use. Ask student to Identify some TICs in their community. Chemical Agents are classified by their effect on the Body.
Overview Most observable sign or symptom Common use if any Signs and Symptoms Treatment Protection Preview Slide
Signs and Symptoms General Burning of eyes nose and/or throat Breathing difficulties Red or irritated skin Nausea or vomiting Headache Review these with the Student State: Through this unit we will use the term general to describe these signs and symptoms.
Treatment Always… Remove from area Decontaminate Support with O2 State that more specialized treatments may be needed once the material is Identified. These are things that should always be done ASAP
Protection For rescue and victim Decon Respiratory: SAR or APR Skin protection or Gas tight ensemble State: When effecting a rescue Decon is vitally important to protect Rescuer, Victim, and others. Proper Respiratory protection is vital. Always don PPE.
Blood Agents Disrupts the bodies use of Oxygen Common Industrial Chemicals Cyanides Hydrogen Cyanide Cyanogens Chloride Arsine State: Blood agents are introduce into the body through breathing and act quickly to inhibit the bodies ability to use Oxygen.
Blood Agents (cont.) Signs and Symptoms: Treatment: General plus Respiratory failure (cyanotic) Treatment: Decon, O2, antidotes Protection: SAR Skin Review information with Student
Blister Agents (Vesicants) Mustards Lewisite Phosgene Oxime State: These where the most commonly used warfare agents in WW1. They are divided into three groups (as listed on slide)
Blister Agents (cont). Signs and Symptoms: Treatment: Protection: General plus erythema (red skin) Treatment: Decon, O2 Protection: SAR Skin State: The most likely routes of entry are inhalation, dermal contact, and ocular contact. State: Effects can be immediate or delayed up to 24 hours depending on the agent and the route of entry.
Nerve Agents Seizures Tabun, Sarin, Soman VX Pesticides State: These are the most toxic and most commonly used war chemicals. They cause severe incapacitation and death.
Nerve Agents (cont.) Signs and Symptoms: Treatment: Protection: General plus SLUDGE Treatment: Decon, O2, antidotes Protection: SAR Skin Review slide with student
Pulmonary (Choking) Agents Common industrial chemicals Phosgene Anhydrous Ammonia Chlorine State: Many are common chemicals used in industry daily and review the ones listed on the slide. Refer to the student manual for a more detailed list.
Pulmonary (Choking) Agents (cont.) Signs and Symptoms: General Treatment: Decon O2 Protection: SAR Skin Review information with the Student
Riot Control Agents Incapacitation (can’t fight) Mace, Pepper spray, tear gas State: These have been in use by the military and civil authorities for many years. Non lethal are meant to incapacitate.
Riot Control Agents (cont.) Signs and Symptoms General but decreasing with time Treatment: Decon, O2 and time Protection: APR (if known) Review with Student
Unit 5 Review Quiz Allow 10 minutes then review the answers