Lit: Tuesday, March 12, 2019 Wrinkle, Lesson 2


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Presentation transcript:

Lit: Tuesday, March 12, 2019 Wrinkle, Lesson 2 Handouts: * None Homework: * Read AR book 20 + minutes daily & record progress * AR deadline is tomorrow (Wednesday) at 4:00 p.m. Assignments Due: * None

Today’s Goal: Prepare to read A Wrinkle in Time. Outcomes: Explain what is meant by the term “characterization.” Describe the five main ways authors achieve characterization. Explain how “character development” differs from characterization. Define the term “flawed characters” and explain the role of flawed characters in literature. Define “conflict” and name the three main types of conflict in novels. Explain how to identify the main conflict in a novel. Define “exposition” and name its three main components. Explain what is meant by the term “theme.”

Starter #1: We are beginning a unit on novels, and the novel we will read together is one you will never forget . . . A Wrinkle in Time Let’s make sure we have all the “tools” we need for the discussions we will have each day. Please turn to the Cornell Notes you were given, and let’s continue.

Cornell Notes : Wrinkle, Part 1, Novel Intro 1. What is “point of view”? Note—this has two meanings. 2. What is the point of view in Wrinkle? Define the following terms: 1) Protagonist 2) Antagonist 1) Through whose eyes this story is being told; 2) It can also mean “first person” or “third person” narrator Third person semi-omniscient Omniscient is “all knowing” Semi-omniscient means we know the thoughts/feelings of one character: An outside narrator is telling us the story from that character’s perspective 1) The main character or hero in a novel 2) The character who opposes the protagonist and poses the greatest conflict

Cornell Notes : Wrinkle, Part 2, Genre What is meant by “genre”? What genre is Wrinkle? Define the following terms: 1) Fantasy 2) Science Fiction The category (group) of literature that a particular work belongs to It is a hyrid—two different genres It is fantasy and science fiction 1) A genre in which the plot develops in an imaginary place and the characters have magical powers 2) A genre that blends fantasy with scientific details

Cornell Notes : Wrinkle, Part 3, Characterization 1. What is meant by the term “characterization”? 2. How do authors achieve character development or characterization? That is, how do we readers know what a character is like? 3. What are “flawed characters”? 4. What is the role of flawed characters? 1. The traits of a character in a story or a novel—what he/she is like 2. There are many ways: * What the character does * How the character speaks * What other characters say about him/her * How other characters behave around him/her * What the character looks like, how he/she dresses and his/her physical appearance 3. Characters who are not perfect 4. All “credible” (believable) characters are flawed. Their flaws contribute to the plot

Cornell Notes : Wrinkle, Part 4, Elements & Terms What are the types of conflict? How do you identify the main conflict in a novel? What elements are introduced in the “exposition” of a story? How do you determine the theme of a novel? External: Character vs. Character Character vs. Nature/Force Internal: Character vs. Self A novel will have numerous conflicts but one conflict drives the overall story—the chief struggle the main character faces. Setting (time & place), introducing the characters, introducing events that lead to the “narrative hook” Ask yourself, “What message or key point is the author trying to make with this story?” Can have more than one theme 1) A genre in which the plot develops in an imaginary place and the characters have magical powers 2) A genre that blends fantasy with scientific details