AN INTERPRETER (A TRANSLATOR) Presented by Aurika Nychyporenko
WHO IS INTERPRETER ? These people are sometimes involved in making decisions of national importance, is unthinkable without them none of the public sphere, be it politics, culture, science, business, education. Their skills, experience and personal qualities depends on the outcome of any international negotiations. They - INTERPRETER .
ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES The ability to communicate with different people and learn the culture of other countries Unstable load: Different months, the volume of transfers may differ several times From professional translator It depends on favorable outcome of negotiations It requires more nerve efforts because of the mistakes to avoid in translation Man holding foreign languages, will be used in many prestigious occupations Work in the field of translation has both pluses and minuses.
WHAT QUALITIES SHOULD A TRANSLATOR? The translator must have a serious knowledge of the language from which the translation, but also a perfect command of their mother tongue . Well know all the subtleties of language , style , morphology of both languages . For simultaneous interpreters need communication skills and the development of such skills as probable Forecasting - people only speaks, and the interpreter has I understand what will be discussed.
WHAT QUALITIES SHOULD A TRANSLATOR? Those working on the translation, need kindness , perseverance and the ability to abstract. For the interpreter involved in the business negotiations , it is important to be a diplomat and confrontation is sometimes the case sides It is a good idea to soften the overall tone of the negotiations.