Global chip connections I2C High speed : up to 3.4Mb/s VDD 1.2V GND 0V JTAG/ I2C serial DCS transceiver: bias, thresholds, masks, etc. Column logic pixel array Settings data BCR ECR Clock Trigger Clock & trigger receiver 40MHz clock trigger trigger BX number Serial Data Out, 1Gb/s (copper) add event & Bunch ID physical data: with 8-10 bit coding 1.2Gb/s trigger @ fixed latency (programmable in chip) clock 40MHz 4/24/2019
Chip level readout 4/24/2019 token, to all columns trigger 256 columns readout control clock trigger BCR ECR 16 bits readout bus 16 bits readout bus 16 bits readout bus trigger Trigger EID fifo “TTCRX” clock 8b trigger latency clock 256 cells per column BID counter 11 bits distribute 8 bits trigger latency, clock, trigger and token. 24 bits readout bus event counter token return= ready with event readout what if the buffer is full ?? T column buffer token from column to column T column buffer T column buffer add col nr. add event ID & BID FIFO 24b par => ser 24ns @ 1Gb/s write_busy2 also add start- and end of event. Skip column if empty pixel to column hand-shake with write-busy1 column buffer to link FIFO hand-shake with write-busy2 until previous column ready @Token the pixel cell copies its triggered data in the column buffer. Readout starts automatic after token comes out of first column. Asynchronous process, speed determined by serial data link (busy as handshake) This means the pixel cell and column buffer readout faster then 40MHz. 4/24/2019
Pixel cell functionality Digital approach additional signals: reset test pulse clear buffers ? Implemented in GOSSIPO02 Nov. 2006 Token BunchClock @40MHz 8 bit BunchCrossingID 16 bits readout bus threshold DAC,4b tune Trigger (@ fixed latency) hit-low measure & readout control logic start 560 MHz osc. pad hit flag (trigger FIFO) hit-high @token 2 hits buffer count pre-load ==1? DAC,4b select 4b counter 4b counter latency counter 4b counter 4b counter latency counter row mask& test Clear buffer ==0? + write data Time Measurement & hit hold: @hit_low count1 560MHz & start latency counter @hit_high count2 560MHz @ BunchClk stop 560MHz (count1 & count2) if (latency=0) clear buffer flag. hit-low & hit High 1.56ns res., max 25ns. write_busy if counter = 0 : free buffer location Trigger and Readout: @ trigger : write hitFlag in trigger FIFO & start Lat. counter @ token: if (write_busy) hold Token if (hitFLAG) write value to bus and clear buffer location pass token to next pixel cell step 1 within 25ns step 2 to 3 to next pixel with data within 25ns. DCS: per pixel: DAC 4bit Mask & test 2bit osc tune 4b chip level: bias DAC’s 8* 8bit total data:64k + 64b. Token to next pixel Serial control bus. 8 bias lines. Average total readout time : 5.8us trigger L1 latency : 2.5us pixel dead time : max 400ns write_busy 4/24/2019
Pixel cell functionality Digital approach 8 bits trigger latency trigger token 16 bits readout bus test mask, 2b 40MHz write_busy preamp & shaper & discriminator start/stop fast/slow HIT start if hitFlag & no write_busy: write to bus clear 16 bits differential bus driver threshold DAC 8b trigger FIFO load clear Buffer 0 full flag 4b LE counter 4b TE counter latency count =0? =1? hitFlag hitFlag hitFlag hitFlag load clear Buffer 1 full flag 4b LE counter 4b TE counter latency count =0? =1? hitFlag hitFlag hitFlag hitFlag @ trigger write “=1?” result in trigger FIFO. @ token check if HitFlag is set, and if so, write corresponding data to readout bus 560MHz clock or 560MHz +8bits row nr. The choice of 1 ore 2 thresholds does make a big difference in the principle of measurement and data handling in the pixel cell. Therefore the original (1 thr.) is kept here. 4/24/2019
IC Technology (130nm) layer cross section Technology option : 8 Metal layers; 6 thin 2 thick DV-Wire bond Pad polyimide TD nitride Oxide TV LM Power : Vdd VQ bus routing MQ VL M6 Power & shield : GND V5 bus routing M5 V4 bus routing M4 V3 M3 Power & shield : GND V2 PC, M1 & M2 : circuit routing M2 V1 M1 Salicide CA PC PC RX RX N-WELL RX RX 4/24/2019