COLD WAR Jeopardy Domestic Affairs People Events Wild Card Power Words Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
People for $100 He was the SUCCESSOR who replaced FDR in 1944. He led the USA through the early phases of the COLD WAR.
People for $100 Who was Harry S. Truman?
People for $200 This man was Harry Truman’s Secretary of State who developed the Marshall Plan in an effort to contain communism.
People for $200 Who was George C. Marshall?
People for $300 This man became President after Harry Truman and led the USA Through the 1950’s and the Korean War.
People for $300 Who was Dwight D. Eisenhower?
People for $400 He was fired by Harry Truman for insubordination. He extended the Korean war into China against presidential orders. He returned to the USA a hero.
People for $400 Who was General Douglas MacArthur?
People for $500 This senator was from Wisconsin and stared a new Red Scare. He Stated the USA had spies working In the government. He stated that Atomic secrets were being stolen. His hearings were televised.
People for $500 Who was Senator Joseph McCarthy?
Events for $100 This conflict started in June 1950. The communist northern section of the country invaded the southern non- Communist section. The 38th parallel was crossed and war started.
Events for $100 What was the Korean War?
Events for $200 This organization was formed in 1949 and was alliance between USA, Canada and 10 other nations. Commander Eisenhower became the leader in 1951.
Events for $200 What was NATO or North Atlantic Treaty Organization?
Events for $300 This organization was formed to take the place of the League of Nations. It had 5 Members in the Security Council (USA, G.B., France, U.S.S. R., and China.
Events for $300 What was the UNITED NATIONS?
Events for $400 These areas were helped through the Marshall Plan and Containment in 1947 to stop a communist backed take over by rebels.
Events for $400 What is Greece and Turkey?
Events for $500 This was when the Cold War turned Hot by the USSR developed an a-bomb in 1952. This nation then developed a H-bomb 800 to 1000 times more powerful. Within 9 months the USSR had also developed an H-bomb.
Events for $500 Who is the United States of America?
Domestic Affairs for $100 This plan was proposed by President Truman to ensure that Americans received a minimum wage (40-75 cents an hour), created public housing and extended Social Security benefits to 10 million Americans.
Domestic Affairs for $100 What was Truman’s Fair Deal?
Domestic Affairs for $200 This act was passed in 1946 and pushed the government to support full employment, health insurance, and a minimum wage. It also created a panel of economic advisors to report to the President.
Domestic Affairs for $200 What was the Employment Act of 1946?
Domestic Affairs for $300 This was an area of the USA along the coast of Florida to California. There was a increase in migration due to the air conditioner and the interstate highway system created by Eisenhower.
DomesticAffairs for $300 What was the Sunbelt?
Domestic Affairs for $400 Eisenhower used containment in this area to stop the spread of communism. Egypt took over this area and France/Great Britain depended on oil from the area. GB and France attacked the area in 1956. The USA intervened and mediated.
Domestic Affairs for $400 What was the implementation of the Eisenhower Doctrine in Egypt during Suez Canal crisis?
Domestic Affairs for $500 This was an improvement in production allowing machines to produce more, faster than humans. This caused large commercial farms to grow but lowered the # of workers needed.
Domestic Affairs for $500 What is automation?
Wild Card for $100 In 1947 he was the first African American to be hired by the Brooklyn Dodgers. He played in the white league.
Wild Card for $100 Who was Jackie Robinson?
Wild Card for $200 This amendment was passed in 1951 and limited the presidential term to Two terms or 10 years.
Wild Card for $200 What was the 22nd Amendment?
Wild Card for $300 This allowed migration during the 1950’s. Because of this more autos could travel from place to place and people did not have to live by their places of employment. This created 40,000 miles of highways across the USA.
Wild Card for $300 What was the Interstate Highway Act?
Wild Card for $400 In 1959 Fidel Castro started an Uprising against the Cuban dictator— Batista. Castro took over USA Property and embraced communism. Eisenhower started planning for an attack that was later carried out by JFK.
Wild Card for $400 What was the Bay of Pigs Invasion?
Wild Card for $500 In 1957, the USSR shocked the World when the launched this new Technology. In 1958, the USA retaliated and created NASA.
Wild Card for $500 What was Sputnik I and II?
Power Words for $100 This women refused to give her seat up on a bus in Montgomery Alabama. The African American community protested. She is the Mother of the Civil Rights Movement.
Power Words for $100 Who is Rosa Parks?
Power Words for $200 These teenagers entered Little Rock High School in 1957. Dwight Eisenhower had to send federal troops to protect these students as integration occurred.
Power Words for $200 Who were the Little Rock 9?
Power Words for $300 Gary Powers was an American pilot who was shot down over the USSR. This caused tension during the Cold War.
Power Words for $300 What was the U2 Spy Plane Incident?
Power Words for $400 He formed the Committee on Civil Rights in 1946. He desegregated the military. He strengthened the civil rights division of the Justice Department and fought to end segregation in schools.
Power Words for $400 Who was Harry Truman?
Power Words for $500 This Supreme Court case overturned Plessy V. Ferguson of 1896 and called For integration of public schools.
Power Words for $500 What was Brown v. the Board of Education of 1954?
Final Jeopardy The Policy of Containment, The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan all had this In common.
Final Jeopardy Answer What was stopping the spread of communism?