to Press the down arrow key or the space bar to advance to the next slide and the up arrow key to go back to the previous slide. Follow the directions in BLUE. Press SPACE for next slide.
No more will your church have to sing songs from slides that contain only the words of the songs you sing, as on the next slide. Press SPACE for next slide.
The Path of the Just Proverbs 4:18 The path of the just is as a shining light; That shineth more and more unto a perfect day, unto a perfect day, Unto a perfect day. From: Psalter by Hamblen Music Co. Press SPACE for next slide.
No matter how nice your slides look, they still do not contain the necessary music your members need to learn new songs and sing harmony to the songs they already know. Press SPACE for next slide.
The next slide shows a typical slide from The PAPERLESS HYMNAL. As you press the down arrow key or the space bar, you will be introduced to the elements of the slide. Press SPACE for next slide.
1. As the deer panteth for the water so my soul longeth after Thee. You alone are my heart's desire and I long to worship Thee. Words and Music by: Martin Nystrom Copyright © 1984 by Maranatha Praise, Inc. (Administered by The Copyright Company Nashville, TN) All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. Used By Permission. 1 - As The Deer © 2001 The Paperless Hymnal Stanza number and song title Authors and copyright information Slides end at a logical point in the music You can add hymn numbers 419 to match you song books
In fact, any of the information on the slide can be changed to suit the needs of your congregation except the music and words of the song and the copyright information. Press SPACE for next slide.
The next several slides will cover what you must do to put together a song service using The PAPERLESS HYMNAL. But before you view the next several slides, please read the License AgreementLicense Agreement if you have not done so. Press SPACE for next slide. Click to read.
If you are using a PC, the auto install should have copied all the files to your hard drive. If the auto install did not run and you are using a PC, run install from this CD to copy the files. Press SPACE for next slide. However, if you are using an Apple or you wish to manually copy the files on your PC, copy the tph folder on this CD to your hard drive. Press SPACE for next slide.
Once the files have been copied from the CD to your hard drive, you should bring up the TXT file called Registration File.TXT, fill it out and it to: This will ensure corrections and notices of new songs and releases get to you promptly by . This is the only way updates will be sent out. Press SPACE for next slide.
Two Index files that run under Excel are included that contain lists for: Song numbers in several popular hymnals Scripture references Music and Lyric Authors Topical index Indexes contains over 2500 songs from many song books. TPH Indexes contains only those songs in The Paperless hymnal. Click here to see TPH Indexes Chick here to see Indexes You will need to say yes to enable macros if you want the indexes to work correctly. Also, unless you have made changes to these files that you wish to keep, always say No to Do you want to save the changes you have made when you exit. Press SPACE for next slide.
Click on the following to see the song lists Click here to see the list by Name Click here to see the list by Key Click here to see the list by Volume These lists can be printed for future reference. Press SPACE for next slide.
The following slides are not intended to teach you how to use PowerPoint ®, but are included here to make your transition to The PAPERLESS HYMNAL easier and help you get started. Press SPACE for next slide.
To start a new presentation, start Power Point and click new from the File Menu. Press SPACE for next slide.
You would then click on the Blank Presentation and then click OK. Press SPACE for next slide.
Begin your presentation by selecting the blank slide and clicking OK. Press SPACE for next slide.
Type in any information that might be of help to you in naming the slide. Depending on what version of Power Point you use, a list of slides may show up at the left. Press SPACE for next slide
Place you cursor on the slide and click the right mouse button. Then click Background with the left mouse button. Press SPACE for next slide.
Choose the black background color and click Apply Press SPACE for next slide.
You now have a solid black slide to use at the beginning and end of the presentation or during prayers to turn the projector off. You can copy and paste this slide to anywhere in the presentation you wish. Next, click on Slide Sorter View. Press SPACE for next slide.
Click the left mouse button to place a line cursor after the blank slide. It will be at this point that you will place your song slides. Press SPACE for next slide.
Your next task will be to open a song file and copy the desired verses of the song you have selected into the presentation you have just started. To do this, click on File at the top of the screen, then Open. Go to the tph folder which contains the song files. Press SPACE for next slide.
To select the song Amazing Grace, double click the A folder. Press SPACE for next slide.
Double click on the Amazing Grace file to open the song. Press SPACE for next slide.
Select Slide Sorter View. Press SPACE For next slide.
In this song, each verse uses two slides. Verse one uses slides 1&2. Hold down the Control Key and click on the slides you wish to use in your presentation. Verses 1 and 4 have been chosen above. Press SPACE for next slide.
Click on Edit then click Copy to place the two verses of Amazing Grace in memory. Press SPACE for next slide.
You are now through with the Amazing Grace file. Click on the X to close this file. Press SPACE for next slide.
You should now be back in your presentation. Click on Edit and then on Paste. Press SPACE for next slide.
The two verses of Amazing Grace now appear in your presentation. Add other songs to the presentation just as you did this one until all songs have been copied over. Then add blank slides for prayers and/or other slides that you wish to appear in the presentation such as scripture readings, or even the sermon. Press SPACE for next slide.
To add a song number, allowing your congregation to follow in their books, First click on the first slide of the song you wish to place the number on. Press Space for the next slide.
Make sure you save your presentation often. Use a file name that describes the song service in some way. It helps to include the date and/or subject as a file name. Press SPACE for next slide.
If you add the hymn numbers to the files that were created when you copied The PAPERLESS HYMNAL from the CD, you will not need to insert the number each time you create you song service. A good online Power Point Tutorial can be found at Press SPACE for next slide.
If you have not read the ReadMeReadMe file, it is suggested you do so at this time. We also ask you to fill out the registration card and mail it to us or fill out the registration form at: We will be ing out information about corrections, updates, and future volumes to those who do register. Press SPACE for next slide.
Some other suggestions: If the sermon is also a Power Point presentation, incorporate both the song service and the sermon into one presentation. When selecting a background for the sermon slides, do not use the apply to all option. This will cause problems for your song slides when the sermon is added to the song file. Have the minister create a slide from which he can create the rest of his slides using copy/paste. After you have created your song and sermon presentation, save it out as a Power Point Show (pps), then create a shortcut to the file and place the icon on the desktop. This way the correct presentation will be shown and it will start on slide one. You may wish to not include the invitation song in your song service presentation. Make a slide that will show the song number only. This will give you the normal versatility to make adjustments as needed. Do not be afraid to turn the projector off and just go with the book. Things happen and you need to be flexible. Press SPACE for next slide.
Click to view an actual service. The first slide will be black. Press space to advance the slides. If you add the hymn numbers to the files that were created when you copied The PAPERLESS HYMNAL from the CD, you will not have to insert the number each time you create you song service. If you have suggestions about this tutorial or about The PAPERLESS HYMNAL, please let us know. the end © 2001 The Paperless Hymnal