Writing Assignment Intro. Racial Profiling Writing Assignment Intro.
Types of Evidence 1. Statistical Evidence Statistical evidence is the kind of data people tend to look for first when trying to prove a point. Every time you use numbers to support a main point, you’re relying on statistical evidence to carry your argument. Associated with Logos by appealing to logic, solid proof.
Types of Evidence 2. Testimonial Evidence Testimonial evidence is another type of evidence that is commonly turned to by people trying to prove a point. Students who quote an authority in their essays are all using testimonial evidence. Associated with Ethos, quoting an expert or eye-witness adds credibility.
Types of Evidence 3. Anecdotal Evidence Anecdotal evidence is evidence that is based on a person’s observations of the world. It can actually be very useful for disproving generalizations because all you need is one example that contradicts a claim. Associated with Pathos, personal experience appeals to emotions.
Objective & Subjective Based on measurable facts. Includes numbers, statistics and data. Associated with Statistical evidence. Based on Personal opinions, assumptions, interpretations and beliefs. Associated with Anecdotal and Testimonial Evidence.
Profiling, Stereotype & Prejudice. STEREOTYPE- a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or race. Blanket theory RACIAL PROFILING- the use of race or ethnicity as grounds for suspecting someone of having committed an offence. Individual PREJUDICE- preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. Negative, associated with dislike.
Quickwrite Describe a time when you observed or were victim to stereotype, racial profiling or prejudice.