FIRST CALL-GEN 11:26 Abram grew up in Ur of Chaldees-known as center of idolatry- served other gods-Joshua 24:2 First called in Ur-Gen 15:7; Acts 7:2-5 Stopped in Haran-Gen 11:31; 12:4 Partial obedience? Hard to leave old lifestyle, old religion, family
SECOND CALL- GEN 12:1-5 600 miles from Ur to Haran-400 more to Canaan No wonder Hebrew writer says by faith-Heb 11:8,9-Sarah had it too
EIGHT PROMISES MADE TO ABRAHAM-GEN 12:1-5 Give him a land-v1; 13:14-17; 17:8 Make a great nation-v2; 17:5,6 Bless thee-v2 Make name great-v2 He would be a blessing-v2 Bless those that blessed him-v3 Curse those who cursed him-v3 Through his seed all families of the earth to be blessed-v3; 22:18
LESSONS FOR US Saw the unseen-Heb 11:10;13 Faith was progressive-stronger over time Faith was tested-Heb 11:17-19; Gen 22:1-12 Worshipped wherever he went-Gen 12:7; 13:18
V. Patient and faithful awaiting God’s promises- We must be too- James 5:7,8; Rev 2:10 VI.Was a friend of God- Isaiah 41:8; II Chron. 20:7; James 2:23 We are friends of Christ when we obey John 15:13,14