Use these guidelines to make any final edits to your argumentative Sell your argument Include your citations naturally Include the basis of your arguments in your introduction No new information in the conclusion (call to action is key) Ethos, Pathos, Logos
Sell your Argument (Pathos, Logos) Past: There’s no place like home; everything that follows is a result from what happens in the past; nothing can be harder than facing your past mistakes Present: You can’t fix your past, but you can use it to improve your present; live in the present, but look to the future; seeing how you presently affect people can change your future Future: Save the best for last; finished what the others started; presented a lonely death-biggest fear for many
Include your citations naturally (Logos, Ethos) In the following quote, it is clear Scrooge is changing: “And what do I see here? Is that a blemish upon your cheek?” (Act 2, scene ii). In Act 2, scene ii, when the Ghost of Christmas Past notices a “blemish upon [Scrooge’s] cheek,” we see an emotionally response from Scrooge that indicates he is susceptible to a drastic attitude adjustment. “And what do I see here? Is that a blemish upon your cheek?” (Act 2, scene ii). Here we see an emotionally response from Scrooge that indicates he is susceptible to a drastic attitude adjustment.
Include the basis of your arguments in your intro (Logos) Not too specific!! Generalities that relate to your topic sentences Counter argument optional in intro Don’t repeat in body paragraphs, but expand
No new info in your conclusion (Pathos) Recap major arguments using different wording Appeal to your audiences human emotions A final sales pitch for your argument Call your audience to action
Ethos, Pathos, Logos Ethos- make sure your sources are credible and believable Pathos- Make your audience emotionally involved in your argument; allow a wide audience to connect to your message Logos- make sure your arguments follow the organization you established in your opening paragraph, and that they make sense
Bonus: Counter argument You are providing evidence for the other side of the argument Do not counter your counter-argument in the counter-argument paragraph! Include the basis of your counter argument in the conclusion