Simon White, Regional Safety Advisor Safety in Rowing Simon White, Regional Safety Advisor
Clubs have a responsibility to provide information, education and training about safety, and individuals have a responsibility to find out, learn, question and put this into practice.
1. Work at Height 2. Fire Arrangements 3. Safety of electrical equipment and installations 4. Gas Safety including LPG & LNG 5. Hazardous Chemicals 6. Storage of petrol 7. Asbestos in the building structure 8. Lifting Equipment 9. Avoidance of slips, trips and falls 10. Legionnaires Disease 11. Food Safety 12. Radio Licensing Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974
British Rowing Safety Audit Audit Live (Open) Date 1st October 2018 Ends (Close) Date 30th November 2018 RRSA Accepts / Accept with provisos / Rejects audit within two weeks Two weeks grace from 3rd December, then BROE blocked
Are all boats checked before and after outings for buoyancy, heel restraints, bow balls strapping, floats and integrity? Are failures reported and boats not used until issues have been resolved?
Does your club require that all club members are made aware of what constitutes an incident and 'near incident' that needs reporting and that all are aware of how to report them online?
Eastern Region has 106 registered clubs 6 months to date 223 have incident reports 116 Simple capsize 45 Different clubs involved
Does your club keep the members informed of incidents and 'near incidents' at the club and ways in which action must be taken to avoid repetition?
Does your club ensure the Training Camp Organising Committee addresses the topics raised by the "Row Safe" guide?
Does your club brief and use the British Rowing and Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) guidance for the Transport of Oar Propelled Racing Boats?
Does your club have an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) within the Club Safety Plan which is communicated to all club members?
Tired but filled with elation, While attempting normal navigation Took the corner too wide, Scraped blades on the side, And unbalanced the boat’s gravitation. The problem was more with our weight; As Stroke leaned in to her gate, Her blades flew in the air, Bow just couldn’t compare ? As we realised slightly too late. Learn from this, I implore you: If you’re going to race a scratch crew Get someone who can steer To bring up the rear And keep hold of both your blades too! Murry Edwards Boat Club