The Promise Of Salvation The Thief On The Cross The Promise Of Salvation Luke 23:26-43 Jesus delivered up for crucifixion. Jesus was not alone. The interaction of the two criminals with Jesus.
The Promise Of Salvation The Thief On The Cross The Promise Of Salvation Luke 23:26-43 Examining what Jesus said. Jesus was responding to a request. “Remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
The Promise Of Salvation The Thief On The Cross The Promise Of Salvation Luke 23:26-43 Examining what Jesus said. Jesus was responding to a request. “Remember me when you come into your kingdom.” To act for good on his behalf.
The Promise Of Salvation The Thief On The Cross The Promise Of Salvation Luke 23:26-43 Examining what Jesus said. Jesus was responding to a request. “Remember me when you come into your kingdom.” He is not asking for a place of honor.
The Promise Of Salvation The Thief On The Cross The Promise Of Salvation Luke 23:26-43 Examining what Jesus said. What is “Paradise”? An anglicized Greek word translated from a Persian word meaning “a walled garden.” “In later Jewish apocalyptic literature… it designates the place of the blessed.” (NIBC, Vol. 9, p. 458)
The Promise Of Salvation The Thief On The Cross The Promise Of Salvation Luke 23:26-43 Examining what Jesus said. What is “Paradise”? In the NT, it is used as a synonym for heaven, the dwelling place of God (2 Cor. 12:3; Rev. 2:7). Not only would Jesus act for this man’s good, but he would have an honored place of companionship.
The Promise Of Salvation He received far more than he requested! The Thief On The Cross The Promise Of Salvation Luke 23:26-43 Examining what Jesus said. The criminal’s request: Jesus’ response: Blessing in the future. Heaven - immediately. To be remembered. Companionship. He received far more than he requested!
The Promise Of Salvation The Thief On The Cross The Promise Of Salvation Luke 23:26-43 What we learn as this relates to God’s promise. The promise entails eternal life… with Jesus. This promise is for anyone and everyone who turns to Jesus. It is never too late to turn to Jesus and receive this promise.