Golden Lion Tamarins Ben, Eunice, and Nadav
The problem The Mission There are to many workaholics that don’t have time for fun. The Mission The mission is to get all the workaholics to play video games.
The laws of the Lab 1.Respect your teammates. 2.Respect your lab. 3.Don’t do stupid stuff.
Gear trains 1.Strength 2.Speed 3.Direction .
Choose and use tricks 1.Collect premium quality junk and sort it 2. Conserve material. 3.Use pliers, not scissors to cut hard stuff 4.Little glue…lots of pressure 5.Build to modify or fix your designs
Modular Construction 1.Build quickly 2.Change your solutions easily 3.Make your contraptions reliable
present your ideas Ugly Average Far Out!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Problem solving tricks 1.Define the problem and set goals. 2.Share ideas. 3.Work together. 4.Break your problem into simple parts. 5.Document your progress
Baseball Cards
Mitt Mitt has a remarkable fire ball pitch Mitt has very good luck when people say polly wana cracker
Big Eyes Big Eyes runs faster then the wind Big Eyes is French Big Eyes is VERY fond of big tires for his big car
Long Arms Long Arms hits many home runs with his thwomper bat Long Arms likes to cut bread with his arms. Long Arms is a lefty.
Woo Woo Woo Woo is a sugar crazed maniac who is obsessed with the golden lion tamarins. Woo Woo is the GLT’s biggest fan.
The Cheese Umpire The Cheese Umpire loves cheese. The Cheese Umpire with his trusty companion Chicken try to take over the universe and create the cheese and mustard empire.