PHYSICAL EDUCATION GRADE 8 –INVASION GAMES Soccer Rugby INVASION GAMES Speedball Aerial ball Ground ball Touchdown Overhead Juggle Drop kick Serve Tackle Clear Floor Hockey Check Puck Wrist shot Slap Shot Save Crease Penalty box Basketball Dribble Crossover dribble Reverse spin dribble Assist Block Charge Triple Threat Drive Jab step V-cut Give and go Pick and roll Chest pass Bounce pass Overhead pass Set shot Jump shot Layup shot Center Forward Guard Offense Defense Zone defense Man to man defense Fast break Weave Rebound Board Jump ball Alternating possession Violation 5 sec violation 10 sec violation Travelling Double dribble Team Handball Strikers Offense Defense Goal area Dribble Juggle Goal throw Corner throw Throw off Referee’s throw Free throw Lacrosse Attack Midfielder Crease Stick check Cradle Crosse Face off Free play Penalty box Flag Football Kick off Receiving Tee First Down Second Down Third Down Fourth Down P.A.T. Hike Snap Quarterback Halfback Fullback Linebacker Defensive backs Cornerback Safety Defensive Line Defensive End Defensive Tackle Nose Guard Wide Receiver Flanker Offensive Line Tight End Offensive Tackle Offensive Guard Center Line of Scrimmage Spiral Block Tackle Punt Placekick Field Goal Touchdown Reception Interception Offsides Illegal Procedure Basketball Lacrosse Floor Hockey Flag Football Vocabulary: Soccer Pitch Kick off Instep Trap Settle Time and Space Keeper Sweeper Fullback Stopper Midfielder Halfback Forward Wing Striker Goal kick Corner kick Penalty kick Goal Area Penalty Area Touchlines Save Juggle Essential Understandings/Questions: M9.2 Demonstrate developmentally mature applications combining locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulative skills to participate in developmentally appropriate movement and fitness activities. M11.1 Engage in an increased variety of moderate to vigorous developmentally appropriate physical activities on a regular basis. M11.3 Apply the understanding of physical activity concepts to increasingly complex movement and game forms. M11.4 Engage in a variety of appropriate physical activities during and outside of school that promote the development and improvement of physical fitness level. M13.1 Understand, participate in the development of, and follow classroom rules; follow activity-specific rules, safety practices and procedures; and apply safe practices, rules, procedures, etiquette and good sportsmanship in all physical activity settings. M14.4 Realize that physical activity and challenges present opportunities for personal growth.