Ku{A[_nms\karM 2v `ghi6u9ti9u- lGu paFYp¤ti Ku{A[_nms\karM 2v `ghi6u9ti9u- cuvfuev„\ oerLu„vSi paFM % www.understandquran.com 2Etaef„M lBic/ EPaHuk] 2[s\•a]ecy\tuev9\ 3R„uvru8uk. <EPaHuk] evb\ees•iluM lBYmaz\>
2O paF8i}… Ku{A[ 1}_Patih: <sU. % _ &> vYakrzM 1v], 1vLuef, ... s\`tIliMg 5kvcnvuM bhuvcnvuM pFn6uRi„\ tlEc/aRi} P|aWuk] 3Ha6uk With intention, Du’aa, and then support of Allah… NO PROBLEM INSHA-ALLAH.
sUR: 1}_Patih: <sU. %_&> DPPR `pa{Tn vilyiru8} `pEbaXnM `ghi6} AsU`tzM sUR: 1}_Patih: <sU. %_&> oaEra px8iEåyuM 1{TM n9ayi pFi6uk نَسْتَعِينُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ إِيَّاكَ qN] shayM Etfu9u niE9afuma`tM qN] vSie„fu9u nin6uma`tM الْمُسْتَقِيمَ الصِّرَاطَ اهْدِنَا Enray ma{g8i} qNeL nI nyiE6zEm عَلَيْهِمْ أَنْعَمْتَ الَّذِينَ صِرَاطَ 1vruefEm} nI 1nu`ghM ecy\tu orukU7ruef ma{gM
sUR: 1}_Patih: <sU. %_&> DPPR `pa{Tn vilyiru8} `pEbaXnM `ghi6} AsU`tzM sUR: 1}_Patih: <sU. %_&> oaEra px8iEåyuM 1{TM n9ayi pFi6uk عَلَيْهِمْ الْمَغْضُوبِ غَيْرِ 1vruefEm} Ekapi6e„7vruef 1l|a8 الضَّالِّينَ وَلاَ vSipiSc/vruEftuM
إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ )5( DPPR `pa{Tn vilyiru8} `pEbaXnM `ghi6} AsU`tzM سُورَۃُ الْفَاتِحَة ... 143* إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ )5( اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ المُستَقِيمَ )6( 46 Mission Statement; need your help to worship. One who can not quench his thirst w/o His help can never worship Him w/o His help. 3. An’amta alaihim: Ambiyaa, siddiqeen,shuhadaa, saliheen; Top: our Prophet pbuh; His path? Practice, Preach, and Organize, and implement (what he can). AEPP If we don’t do this, then our duaa is NOT SERIOUS! (example: Job seeker who just makes du’aa but does not go out to seek job.) 4. Those who knew and did not do (more … first); those who did not know. 5. MOST IMPORTANT: Biggg confusion that We are Muslims = on guidance. Then this prayer is for a Non-Muslim. (Becoming Muslim is first step. Now we need guidance every moment). Where is it? In Qu’ran (theory) and Sunnah (Model). Are we serious in ASKING? Do we care to understand Qur’an and know Sunnah??????? 6. Remember the hadith of Surah Al-Fatihah.
صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ DPPR `pa{Tn vilyiru8} `pEbaXnM `ghi6} AsU`tzM سُورَۃُ الْفَاتِحَة ... 1423 1080 صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ المَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلاَ الضَّالِّينَ )7( 1732 147 1. Remember the hadith of Surah Al-Fatihah. The hadith says: My servant got what he has asked for. What is that? Qur’an. If we are serious in asking, we will value the response (answer) too!
قواعد – vYakrzM Show the rules first. We will use all our senses. It is called TPI or TPR. It really enhances the learning. And note that this is not limited to these 6 pronouns. It has much more to do with all the verb forms that we will learn. You have spared so much time and came all the way. Don’t listen to Shaitaan. Don’t be shy to use these directions. We are learning the words of Qur’an here. If you use them, your learning will be easier and quicker. The rule for repetition is: Teacher (Ar+Ur) – Student (Ar+ Ur) * 3 times T(Ar) – St (Ur) * 3 times T(AA) – St(AA) * 3 times (in pairs; ex: huwa, hum – huwa,hum, …)
2O ^ pxN] Ku{Ani} !@(% tvz v9i7uH\ هُوَ 1v[ هُمْ 1v{ أنْتَ nI أنْتُمْ niN] أنَا qa[ نَحْنُ qN] TPI (Total Physical Interaction): kazuk; pRyuk; kazi6uk; `w¤i6uk; ciÆi6uk Av{8nM 2O ^ pxN] Ku{Ani} !@(% tvz v9i7uH\ Show the rules first. We will use all our senses. It is called TPI or TPR. It really enhances the learning. And note that this is not limited to these 6 pronouns. It has much more to do with all the verb forms that we will learn. You have spared so much time and came all the way. Don’t listen to Shaitaan. Don’t be shy to use these directions. We are learning the words of Qur’an here. If you use them, your learning will be easier and quicker. The rule for repetition is: Teacher (Ar+Ur) – Student (Ar+ Ur) * 3 times T(Ar) – St (Ur) * 3 times T(AA) – St(AA) * 3 times (in pairs; ex: huwa, hum – huwa,hum, …)
2v Ku{Ani} 4kExwM!),))) tvz v9i7uH\ Av{8nM -هُ 1veå -هُم 1vruef -كَ nieå -كُم niNLuef -ي 4eå -نَا qNLuef 2v Ku{Ani} 4kExwM!),))) tvz v9i7uH\ 1veåÖ1ven, 1verÖ1vruef …
رَبُّكُمْ niNLuef Rb/\ رَبِّي 4eå Rb/\ رَبُّنَا qNLuef Rb/\ رَبُّهُ 1veå Rb/\ رَبُّهُمْ 1vruef Rb/\ رَبُّكَ niå Rb/\ رَبُّكُمْ niNLuef Rb/\ رَبِّي 4eå Rb/\ رَبُّنَا qNLuef Rb/\ Av{8nM r=itav\ Ö pripalk[ رَبّ T(A)-S(U): 3 times T(AA) – S(UU): 2 times `pak\fIs\ ecy/uE©a] 1RbikELaf\ sMsa ri6u9Epael pRyuk
`pak\fIs\ ecy/uE©a] 1RbikELaf\ sMsa ri6u9Epael pRyuk كِتَابُهُ كِتَابُهُمْ كِتَابُكَ كِتَابُكُمْ كِتَابِي كِتَابُنَا دِينُهُ دِينُهُمْ دِينُكَ دِينُكُمْ دِينِي دِينُنَا jIvit vYvs\T دِين `g£M كِتَاب T(A)-S(U): 3 times T(AA) – S(UU): 2 times `pak\fIs\ ecy/uE©a] 1RbikELaf\ sMsa ri6u9Epael pRyuk www.understandquran.com
s\`tIliMg rUp8ieå 3xahrzM أَبُوبَكْر رَضِيَ الله ُ عَنْهُ عَائِشَة رَضِيَ الله ُ عَنْهَا www.understandquran.com
هِيَ 1v] رَبُّهَا 1vLuef Rb/\ دِينُهَا 1vLuef xI[ <jIvit vYvs\T> s\`tIliMg rUpM هِيَ 1v] رَبُّهَا 1vLuef Rb/\ دِينُهَا 1vLuef xI[ <jIvit vYvs\T> كِتَابُهَا 1vLuef `g£M Just like in Muslim names (khalid – khalida, sajid – sajidah, and so on), we can make a feminine gender of a word by adding taa at the end. And by adding ‘aaat’ at the end, it can . Repeat for the whole words once. www.understandquran.com
s\`tIliMg 5kvcnuM bhuvcnvuM مُسْلِمْ مُسْلِمَة مُسْلِمَات مُؤْمِن مُؤْمِنَة مُؤْمِنَات صَالِح صَالِحَة صَالِحَات كَافِر كَافِرَة كَافِرَات مُشْرِك مُشْرِكَة مُشْرِكَات مُنَافِق مُنَافِقَة مُنَافِقَات Just like in Muslim names (khalid – khalida, sajid – sajidah, and so on), we can make a feminine gender of a word by adding taa at the end. And by adding ‘aaat’ at the end, it can . Repeat for the whole words once. www.understandquran.com
pFn6uRi„\ Get more images of right and left brain; and the quadrants; use them all. (color – highlighter, color pens).
4`tE8aLM nmu6\ oa{6a[ kSiyuM? vayi6u9tieå @%ƒ Ek]6u9tieå #%ƒ kazu9tieå %)ƒ pRyu9tieå ^)ƒ `pv{8i6u9tieå &%ƒ vayi6ukÒEk]6ukÒkazukÒ pRyukÒ`pv{8i6uk (%ƒ Do: Write also.
naM 4Æ\ pFic/u? pFn6uRi„\ naem`tE8aLM oa{6u9u? Ku{A[ صِراط، غَيْرِ، لاَ etc. vYakrzM 1v], 1vLuef, ... s\`tIliMg 5kvcnuM bhuvcnvuM pFn6uRi„\ naem`tE8aLM oa{6u9u? With intention, Du’aa, and then support of Allah… NO PROBLEM INSHA-ALLAH. paFBagN] n9ayi pFi6uk. v{6\ WI•\ pUri„i6uk. <2.emyiliEnaefa„M 1y6uk>
1fu8 k|asinayi ty/aRakuk 1}_Ku{Anaz\ n0uef jIvit8iel 5•vuM `pXane„7 `g£M. v{W8iel 5•vuM `pXane„7 masM Ku{A[ 1vtric/ RmxanuM. 1tina} Ku{A[ pFi6a[ oru !% mini•uEpaluM nI6iv6anava8`t tir6u-vrakatiri6uk. 3Ep=i6rut\ سُبْحَانَ اللهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ سُبْحَانَكَ اللهُمَّ وَبِحَمْدِكَ نَشْهَدُ أَن لاَّ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنْتَ نَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَنَتُوبُ إِلَيْكَ