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Adaptation through variation Y6 EVOLUTION AND INHERITANCE LESSON 5: Adaptation through variation
Today you will learn How the features of animals and plants have adapted to their environments over millions of years by the process of Natural Selection What Variation is and why it is so important to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
Remember this?
And this?
Darwin’s finches: different beaks for different jobs!
Discuss the answer with your partner So we know that animals change, but why and how does this happen over millions of years? Discuss the answer with your partner
The answer is .. That tiny changes happen all the time to living things because they are not all created the same This is called variation These differences make animals either less or more successful at survival
Or in other words .. If every life form since the beginning of time had been identical, we would never have evolved from a single cell!
How variation leads to new species When an animal survives because it is born with a feature that helps it, (such as white fur if it lives in the snow), there is a good chance that it’s offspring will also have white fur, so it will survive longer than a brown furred animal. Eventually these differences can create completely new species.
How variation leads to new species
You have seen the next pictures of animals before, but take some time to discuss in more detail how each one has adapted to its environment. Don’t just think of the obvious things!
How has this creature adapted? Answers Big ears to hear reflected sounds Fur to trap air and keep it warm Leathery wings to fly and glide
How has this creature adapted? Answers Large body to store fat for the winter Strong claws to hold prey Sharp teeth to kill prey Thick fur to keep warm
How has this creature adapted? Answers White fur to hide in snow Large ears to hear prey and predators Strong back legs to run and jump A wide field of vision to see predators
How has this creature adapted? Answers Wings to fly Hollow bones to stay light Long beak to get bugs Wide field of view to protect from predators
Tell the person next to you .. Learning check: Tell the person next to you .. What Variation is Why it is so important to the Evolution process
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