Starter Choose at least one of the pictures & describe the persons outfit. Include what theyre wearing & your opinions il porte – hes wearing elle porte.


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Presentation transcript:

Starter Choose at least one of the pictures & describe the persons outfit. Include what theyre wearing & your opinions il porte – hes wearing elle porte – shes wearing son look est – his/her style is je trouve son look (+ adj) – I find his/her style… il/elle shabille comme un/une – he/she is dressed like a… le/la ____ est – the ____ is cest – its ce nest pas – its not

il porte – hes wearing elle porte – shes wearing son look est – his/her style is je trouve son look (+ adjective) – I find his/her look… il/elle shabille comme un/une – he/she is dressed like a… le/la ____ est – the ____ is cest – its ce nest pas – its not

il porte – hes wearing elle porte – shes wearing son look est – his/her style is je trouve son look (+ adjective) – I find his/her look… il/elle shabille comme un/une – he/she is dressed like a… le/la ____ est – the ____ is cest – its ce nest pas – its not

il porte – hes wearing elle porte – shes wearing son look est – his/her style is je trouve son look (+ adjective) – I find his/her look… il/elle shabille comme un/une – he/she is dressed like a… le/la ____ est – the ____ is cest – its ce nest pas – its not

il porte – hes wearing elle porte – shes wearing son look est – his/her style is je trouve son look (+ adjective) – I find his/her look… il/elle shabille comme un/une – he/she is dressed like a… le/la ____ est – the ____ is cest – its ce nest pas – its not

il porte – hes wearing elle porte – shes wearing son look est – his/her style is je trouve son look (+ adjective) – I find his/her look… il/elle shabille comme un/une – he/she is dressed like a… le/la ____ est – the ____ is cest – its ce nest pas – its not

il porte – hes wearing elle porte – shes wearing son look est – his/her style is je trouve son look (+ adjective) – I find his/her look… il/elle shabille comme un/une – he/she is dressed like a… le/la ____ est – the ____ is cest – its ce nest pas – its not

il porte – hes wearing elle porte – shes wearing son look est – his/her style is je trouve son look (+ adjective) – I find his/her look… il/elle shabille comme un/une – he/she is dressed like a… le/la ____ est – the ____ is cest – its ce nest pas – its not

il porte – hes wearing elle porte – shes wearing son look est – his/her style is je trouve son look (+ adjective) – I find his/her look… il/elle shabille comme un/une – he/she is dressed like a… le/la ____ est – the ____ is cest – its ce nest pas – its not

il porte – hes wearing elle porte – shes wearing son look est – his/her style is je trouve son look (+ adjective) – I find his/her look… il/elle shabille comme un/une – he/she is dressed like a… le/la ____ est – the ____ is cest – its ce nest pas – its not