WIRE March 9th, 2018
Feedback Received Biological Sciences Business Information & Technology Business Technology Chemistry & Geochemistry Civil Engineering Computer Science Electrical Engineering Environmental Engineering General Engineering Geological Engineering Geophysical Engineering Freshman Engineering Mechanical Engineering Network Technology Liberal Studies Mathematical Sciences Mining Engineering Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Nursing Petroleum Engineering Professional & Technical Communication Safety, Health, & Industrial Hygiene Trades & Technical Writing Student Affairs Staff Senate Office of Research and Sponsored Programs CAMP MBMG Foundation Board Alumnae/Alumni Administrative Associates CLSPS department heads SME department heads Highlands department heads Business office Library Network Services Institute of Educational Opportunities Highlands staff members CTS Industrial Advisory Boards Chris Maples (Missouri S&T) Joe Thiel (consultant) Gallatin College Administrators The Commissioner of Higher Education Program Prioritization Committee
Recommendations Recommendation I: Montana Tech embraces the Special Focus BOR designation as a premiere Science and Engineering institution dedicated to meeting the changing needs of society Recommendation II: Montana Tech will have a nationally competitive applied research culture Recommendation III: Our curricula will focus on integrated problem solving
Recommendation I: Montana Tech embraces the Special Focus BOR designation as a premiere Science and Engineering institution dedicated to meeting the changing needs of society We will position Montana Tech as the school of choice for engineering, science, and technical programs; an institution known nationally and internationally for excellence in undergraduate education, applied research, high-demand graduates, and leadership. Half of our graduates will be from engineering programs and the majority from programs anchored in the sciences. Our recruitment and admission processes will seek out students with strong motivation, intellectual curiosity, creativity, and a determination to succeed.
Recommendation II: Montana Tech will have a nationally competitive applied research culture Montana Tech will sustain several highly successful mission-focused research degree programs. Montana Tech will create high quality professional graduate degrees. Montana Tech will create mission-grounded research centers facilitating collaborations and institutionalizing funding opportunities.
Recommendation III: Our curricula will focus on integrated problem solving Students will engage in interdisciplinary team-based inquiry beginning their first year. Our students gain applied knowledge and skills through research and internship/co-op/study experiences both domestic and international. Sponsored capstone/senior-design projects will engage students in addressing real-world, contemporary challenges.
Create an organizational structure that supports our special focus The future relationship is being explored between: Highlands College, School of Mines and Engineering, College of Letters, Sciences, and Professional Studies, Graduate School.
Our Special Focus requires changes including: We embrace the pursuit of efficiency, shared services, and collaboration on programs within the MUS system. Mission-driven MEng, MS, and PhD degrees in focused areas of Science and Engineering. Competitive faculty pay scales, benefits, tenure and promotion standards, workload, and incentives to attract and retain scholars. Competitive tuition/fee rates supporting nationally recognized programs as a Special Focus institution. An institutional name that reflects our values, vision, aspired national stature that recognizes our Special Focus designation. A leadership structure that empowers Montana Tech to execute our Special Focus designation.
Dan Trudnowski (co-chair) Hilary Risser (co-chair) Michael Barth Peggy Delaney Brian Kukay Rita LaMiaux Scott Risser Scott Rosenthal Jack Skinner Matt Stepan Glen Southergill Trisha Southergill Carrie Vath