Regions of the World (How they are linked or divided) SOL WG.3c
Essential Understanding Cultural differences can link or divide regions.
Language Arab world - The Arab world is a cultural region that is unified by the Arabic language. This region is found in North Africa and the Middle East.
The Arab World
Language Hispanic America is a region that is unified by language. The major language in this region is Spanish.
Hispanic America
Language Brazil - The major language in Brazil is Portuguese because Brazil was colonized by Portugal.
Language Canada is a good example of a country that is divided by language. In the province of Quebec, Canada there are many people who speak French. The rest of the people in Canada speak English.
Language Switzerland is a good example of a country that has multiple languages but the country is still unified. Some of the languages spoken in Switzerland are: German (official) 63.7%, French (official) 20.4%, and Italian (official) 6.5%.
Language English as a world language - English is a language that has become an international language of business and finance.
Ethnic Heritage Examples of countries or regions that have experienced ethnic conflict: The Balkans (Former Yugoslavia) Rwanda Cyprus
Balkan Peninsula The Balkan Peninsula has many different ethnic groups such as; Serbs, Croats, Bosniaks, and Albanians. The most recent conflict lasted from 1992 - 1995, when Serbia invaded Bosnia. Thousands of Bosniaks were killed by Serbian and Croatian forces.
Balkan Peninsula
Rwanda Rwanda is a small country in East Africa with two major ethnic groups, the Hutu and the Tutsi. In 1994, the Hutu controlled military and militia groups began killing Tutsis. Over a period of three months at least 800,000 Tutsis were murdered.
Cyprus Cyprus is an island in the eastern Mediterranean. The country is divided into two countries based on ethnicity. One country is primarily Turkish and the other country is primarily Greek.
Ethnic Heritage Examples of countries or regions that have many ethnic groups but are unified: The United States Switzerland
Switzerland Switzerland has remained unified despite having several ethnic groups. The ethnic groups in Switzerland are as follows: 65% German, 18% French, 10% Italian.
Ethnic Heritage Examples of countries that have a single ethnic group: Korea Japan
Religion (Divisive Force) There are religious conflicts in the following areas: Kashmir (conflict between Hindus and Muslims. Northern Ireland (conflict between Protestants and Catholics) Jerusalem (Jews, Christians, and Muslims all claim it as a holy city)
Kashmir India and Pakistan both claim a region called the Kashmir. Part of the problem is based on religion. Pakistan is a Muslim country and India is Hindu.
Northern Ireland Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom. The country is about evenly divided between Protestants and Catholics. The Protestants want to remain part of the U.K. and the Catholics want to be part of Ireland.
The Peace Wall
Murals in Belfast
Murals in Belfast
Jerusalem Christians consider Jerusalem to be holy because Jesus was crucified there. Jews consider Jerusalem to be holy because there temple was located there. Muslims consider Jerusalem to be holy because Muhammed ascended to heaven there and received the word of Allah.
Dome of the Rock
Western Wall