Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS Egypt) Workshop on new approach to statistical capacity development Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS Egypt) Nabil Mahmoud Mohamed
Tiers System: a) International b) national
Tier System: The readiness of the indicators in terms of data availability and methodology. Tier 1: Indicator is conceptually clear, has a methodology and standards are available, and data are regularly produced by countries. Tier 2: Indicator is conceptually clear, has a methodology and standards are available, but data are not regularly produced by countries. Tier 3: No methodology or standards are yet available for the indicator.
Monitoring the SDGs: Data availability for the SDGs Monitoring the SDGs: Data availability for the SDGs. • Number of SDGs indicators currently available for Egypt SDGs Indicators: Goal1 No Poverty Goal5 Gender Goal9 Industry and Innovation Goal13 Climate Action Goal2 No Hunger Goal6 Water and Sanitation Goal10 Reduced Inequality Goal14 Life Below Water Goal3 Health Goal7 Energy Goal11 Sustainable cities and communities Goal15 Life on Land Goal4 Education Goal8 Economic Growth Goal12 Responsible Production and Consumption Goal16 peace, Governance Goal17 Partnership
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