Would you be willing to use your career Facilitating for a movement that mobilizes professionals to help create paths into the least reached areas of the world. Would you be willing to use your career as a way to disciple the nations? philipinitiative@scbaptist.org Philip Initiative
Missions Today Those employed by a sending agency Those who make jobs in the marketplace Those employed by the marketplace
South Carolina WMU
IMB VISION: Partner with churches to empower limitless missionary teams who are making disciples and multiplying churches among unreached people and places for the glory of God
Limitless Missionary Teams Marketplace Professionals Retirees Students Nationals 1 or 2 career missionaries Working together in team to engage an unreached unengaged people group
Pipeline Local Church/Cast the Vision Locate the Called Professionals Make Sure They are Disciple Makers Give Them Cross Cultural Ministry Abilities Help Them with Job Placement in the 1040 Window Attach them to an IMB Church Planting Team Pipeline
What Can WMU Do Cast the vision to your pastors Cast the vision throughout all WMU organizations. Pray that God will raise up boys and girls, men and women to go through the marketplace. Be a part of the pipeline in South Carolina to send out more missionaries.
Make Disciples and Multiply Churches Among Unreached People & Places Working Together To Local Church + WMU ( Philip Initiative) + Convention + IMB = Limitless Missionary Teams Make Disciples and Multiply Churches Among Unreached People & Places
The Frontiers of the Kingdom of God were never Advance by Men and Women of Caution. – Dorothy Mowll