Your Title Cooperative Extension & Outreach / WPTRC Title of talk Your name Your Title Cooperative Extension & Outreach / WPTRC _____, 2017
What you will know before you leave _____ _______
But first, a word of appreciation Thank you to Thank YOU And, finally, thank you ____!
Housekeeping Bathrooms around the corner This is a non-smoking campus Please put all your cups and bottles in the trash so it is easy for us to clean up and close up this room Today we are going to be interactive - better for learning - please raise your hand and give others the chance to answer after you have spoken.
Upcoming workshops
Publications here!
A bit about the speaker (me) _______ ______
Section head slide: A. ______
Economic Decision Time! Benefits = Costs: you decide to do? Benefits < Costs: you decide to do? Benefits > Costs: you decide to do?
Let’s take a 5 minute break
Section head slide: B. A few more things . . .
Let’s wrap up ___________. ____________. _____________.
got questions?
I do! Name one (1) thing you just learned . . .
Thank you for your time.