1 NESW P1CPP X? ? N is in balancing seat (meaning the auction will die, if he does not bid). X means he has HCP and 3 cards in the unbid suits
2 NESW P1CPP 1 S ? N is in the balancing seat. Bidding 1 of a major or minor, indicates 7-12 HCP and 5 cards in that suit.
3 NESW P1CPP X or 1S or 1 N X means ? HCP HCP. 1 of any suit means ? 7-12 HCP and 5 in that suit. 1 N means ? 9-12 HCP and no 5 card suit.
4 NESW 1 DPP1 N ? W is in the balancing seat. A bid of 1N means … 9-12 HCP, and 2 cards in all suits no 5 card suit
5 NESW P1CPP 2 S ? N is in the balancing seat and has ? HCPs HCP and ? S s. 6 S s.
6 NESW P1CPP XP1 HP 2 N ? In the balancing seat, to X then bid 2 N indicates ? HCP HCP
7 NESW P1CPP XP1 HP 1 N ? In the balancing seat, an X, then a bid of 1 N indicates ? HCP
8 NESW P1CPP XP1 HP 1 S ? After a X in the balancing seat, a new bid does NOT indicate 17+ HCP. It promises ? It still only promises 13 + HCP
9 NESW P1CPP 1 D ? In the balancing seat, at the one level, a bid of 1 of a major or minor shows … 7-12 HCP and a 5 card suit.