Water directors meeting June 2005 Luxemburg


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Presentation transcript:

Water directors meeting 20-21 June 2005 Luxemburg Flood action programme Pillar a) « Research and information » European exchange circle on flood forecasting EXCIFF New proposal for an european exchange circle on flood mapping

Water directors meeting 20-21 June 2005 Luxemburg European exchange circle on flood forecasting EXCIFF Report of activity and follow-up proposals

Agreement on proposal from JRC and France EXCIFF The history December 2004 - Amsterdam Agreement on proposal from JRC and France To enable exchange of experience on the topic of “flood forecasting and early warning” To gather operating national or international centers or agencies (including meteorological and hydrological aspects) => To set up the European exchange circle on flood forecasting - EXCIFF

EXCIFF Activity sheet of EXCIFF In view of improving flood forecasting To draw a state-of-play of current flood forecasting practices in Europe including EFAS To identify the needs to fulfil and the gaps to fill for European countries To identify the most important fields to work on in order to improve know-how in Europe To propose common concrete actions to carry out

22 Member States or Agencies EXCIFF Composition EXCIFF Members 22 Member States or Agencies 31 operational centres or organisations (hydrological, meteorological) 43 focal points

EXCIFF Progress report EXCIFF members written contributions Dec.04 – Mar.05 Overview of flood forecasting in Europe: Current practices; Needs to fulfil; How to go forward EXCIFF 1st workshop – Apr.05 – Toulouse To prioritize the needs to fulfil in Europe in order to improve flood forecasting To offer achieved experiences, know-how or tools to exchange within EXCIFF To make some proposals of actions to carry out together

EXCIFF 1st Workshop - Proposals The 3 priority actions for 2005 6C - Implement a EXCIFF Internet site/portal related to flood forecasting (co-op.: France, JRC, DG Env) 5C - Work on “flood forecasting information for the general public” (co-op.: s-g « flood forecasting and warning » of RA VI-WGH WMO) 3C - Organise exchange of methods between EXCIFF countries on flood forecasting including EFAS (modelling/experience/organisation) (co-op.: s-g « flood forecasting and warning » of RA VI-WGH WMO)

EXCIFF 1st Workshop - Proposals 3 other new actions for 2006 4C - Organise collective trainings for flood forecasters about the catchments behaviour, the modelling and the forecasting process (co-op.: WMO) 1C - Work on : “hydrological data quality standard and hydrological data exchange standard” (co-op.: RA VI-WGH WMO) 2C - Express a need to the meteorological community for agreement between hydrological and meteorological communities concerning use and exchange of meteorological data (co-op.: RA VI-WGH WMO ; INSPIRE)

Water directors meeting 20-21 June 2005 Luxemburg European exchange circle on flood mapping New proposal

European exchange circle on flood mapping New proposal Context Pillar a) « Research and information » Need to enable exchange on other topics of flood risk management MS may have to develop Flood mapping soon Proposal To set up an European exchange circle on flood mapping

European exchange circle on flood mapping Expected outputs to review the current practices in flood mapping in Europe to identify the knowledge that can be shared to write a guide of best practices on flood mapping

European exchange circle on flood mapping Expected co-operations Many MS have got achieved experiences in flood mapping Many others will have to develop their own practice EEA’s Neighbourhood information project – prototype on flood mapping France offers to organise this activity with a willing co-leader

European exchange circle on flood mapping New proposal Water directors meeting 20-21 June 2005 Luxemburg Water directors are invited to : give advice and guidance on follow up activity for EXCIFF agree on the actions 6C, 5C and 3C planned for 2005 and to offer financial and/or manpower involvements agree on the proposal of new exchange circle on flood mapping offer involvement and/or co-leading with France in this new activity