Concluding Sentences: Do's and Don'ts Time4Writing provides these teachers materials to teachers and parents at no cost. More presentations, handouts, interactive online exercises, and video lessons are freely available at Consider linking to these resources from your school, teacher, or homeschool educational site. The rules: These materials must maintain the visibility of the Time4Writing trademark and copyright information. They can be copied and used for educational purposes. They are not for resale. Want to give us feedback? We'd like to hear your views: Copyright 2012 Copyright 2012
A concluding sentence does more than wrap up what you have said in your paragraph: it summarize ideas it transitions to the next paragraph it demonstrates the importance of your topic idea Copyright 2012 Copyright 2012
Think of your paragraph like a hamburger: The top bun is the topic sentence The middle ingredients are the supporting sentences The bottom bun is the concluding sentence The buns hold everything together and resemble each other, just as the topic and concluding sentences should. Copyright 2012 Copyright 2012
Do's Do stick to the main points. Do allow for a smooth transition between the concluding sentence and the topic sentence of the next paragraph. For example: Concluding sentence "For these reasons, sea level rise is a climate change impact." Topic sentence in following paragraph "Another key stressor from climate change is extreme weather." Copyright 2012 Copyright 2012
More Do's Do focus and be specific about how your supporting sentences contribute to the concluding sentence. Do arrange the body of the paragraph in a sequence that flows to lead up to the concluding sentence. Do make sure that a concluding sentence is necessary for your paragraph, as some short paragraphs may not require one. Copyright 2012 Copyright 2012
Don'ts Don't simply rephrase your topic sentence; that would be redundant. Don't begin with an unnecessary, overused phrase like "in conclusion", "in summary", "in closing", or "as shown in the essay." (These may work in speeches, but they come across as wooden and trite in writing.) Sometimes all you need are a few well chosen words to sum up the main idea you have developed. Copyright 2012 Copyright 2012
The end. More free PARAGRAPH WRITING resources: topic sentence supporting details unity & coherence types of paragraphs Eight-week PARAGRAPH WRITING courses: elementary school middle school high school Copyright 2012 Copyright 2012