Can you identify the Texas Eco-Region in the photo? Monday April 23, 2018 Can you identify the Texas Eco-Region in the photo?
In honor of earth day 2018 Sunday April 22 jane-goodall-earth-day
BONUS: Identify the Eco-Region.
After quiz: Visit a station with the dissecting microscope. Compare the two (2) materials in the beakers. Can you tell which is salt and which is sugar? Write your answer on a piece of paper, with your reasoning (what evidence do you have to support your answer?).
Explain the difference between mechanical and chemical weathering? Tuesday April 24, 2018 Explain the difference between mechanical and chemical weathering? Please bring a glass jar or bottle, Friday. The jar should be empty and clean. I will show you examples of types of bottles that work.
During yesterday’s lab, shaking the rocks represented what? Wednesday April 25, 2018 During yesterday’s lab, shaking the rocks represented what? Describe a similar situation in nature. Please bring a glass jar or bottle, Friday. The jar should be empty and clean. I will show you examples of types of bottles that work.
P-AP Project Questions 2 and 3, due Friday April 27th. Questions 4 and 5, due Tuesday May 1st. Entire project due Friday May 4th.
What were you testing during the past two days? Thursday April 26, 2018 What were you testing during the past two days? Develop a test question based on yesterdays lab. Please bring a glass jar or bottle, Friday. The jar should be empty and clean. I will show you examples of types of bottles that work.