Additional Gemini API’s UK Link - Class 3 Modification Transmission Workstream 2nd February 2006
Scope of Modification Proposal Facilitate development of 3 additional API (Application Programming Interface) functions for the Gemini Entry Capacity module (to be specified in UK Link manual): Confirm Trade Reject Trade Withdraw Trade Ensure recovery of development and implementation costs from UK Link Users Estimate is circa £41K A more accurate estimate can be provided once the payment, charging methodology and release dates are known, and whether such change is incorporated into a scheduled Gemini release or whether this is a single stand-alone release
Options for cost allocation Option 1. Originator of change request pays Option 2. UK Link Users each pay equal proportion Option 3. Base on measure of “volume usage” for previous Gas Year Annual throughput (sum of UDQIs and UDQOs) Sum of UDQIs (not including NBP trades) Total entry capacity booked Total quantity of entry capacity traded