Palm Basics
Think of your computer… Title & Menu area Categories Screen Soft Buttons Writing Area Hard Buttons Hard Buttons Scroll Buttons
“Soft” buttons 1 Launcher (aka:Home, Applications) 3 Calculator 2 Menu 4 Find
Practicing Graffiti® (Launcher: Graffiti)
Graffiti® is an alphabet designed for handheld computing.
Write inside this box
Letters on the left side… … and numbers on the right.
Graffiti® writing tips… Start with the heavy dot. Write large with sharp corners.
Practice letters
Three essential strokes…
Here’s how to capitalize letters. Caps is one upward stroke Caps Lock is two upward strokes
Caps and Caps Lock icon Signals and visual clues! Notice Caps icon Notice Caps Lock icon
The numbers 0 - 9
Practice punctuation… Signals and visual clues! Notice the punctuation shift icon
Write punctuation on either side. Basic punctuation starts by tapping once.
Option: Use the on-screen keyboard Tap near “abc” or “123” Tap letters or numbers Tap “Done” when you’re finished
The on-screen keyboard has three views Text Numbers International Tap here to switch between views
Graffiti help is available whenever you can enter text Draw a line from the bottom to the top of the screen
Graffiti help Tap the arrows or use the scroll button or to see all the help screens.
Tips Don’t write on the screen with a pen or paper clip! If your batteries run out and you cannot turn on your Palm device, you have at least one week to replace your batteries. Use screen cleaners designed for handhelds rather than cleaners designed for computer monitors. If your stylus seems to be missing what you are tapping on, try redigitizing the screen.
Why Palm makes sense in education Challenges of the desktop computer? Benefits of the handheld computer! = Cost • Cost Size • Size Equity • Equity Simplicity • Simplicity
Beyond the PDA organizer to the handheld computer… What hardware and software extend the power of your desktop computer? Word processing…………….. Spreadsheet…………………... Database………………………. Drawing & Painting………….. Digital photography…………. Printing………………………… Internet connectivity………… Calculators……………………. Scientific probes…………….. Stories and info………………. Writing resources……………. Palm keyboard + WordSmith Documents to Go, QuickSheet FileMakerMobile, MobileDB, HanDBase TealPaint, Diddlebug, BugMe PalmPix camera TealPrint, PalmPrint, PrintBoy, IrPrint AvantGo ImagiMath, PowerOne ImagiProbes eTales, PalmReader Noah, Thesaurus
Websites to Remember… Palm Education: Education Grants: Education integration: Palm Store: Software: