Tori Buchanan 2nd period Mr.Gorden Cup of Lava Tori Buchanan 2nd period Mr.Gorden
Question What’s going to make the best lava lamp?
Background The reason I picked this topic is because I’ve always loved lava lamps but i never got one. Doing this project teaches me how to create my own. Therefore, I can make my own lava lamp and make it unique.
Variables Independent - Amount of salt Dependent - How many bubbles will appear Constants - Amount of oil, Size of cup, Brand of salt Independent variable-Isn't changed by the other variables you are trying to measure. Dependent variable-Is something that depends on other factors.
Hypothesis If I trail the experiment 3 times the 3rd time would work the best by how many bubbles come up.
Materials Salt Tap water ¼ cup of oil/vegetable oil Food coloring Large clear glass Eye Dropper
Procedure Fill The glass with tap water about ⅔ of the way Pour the oil into glass Add several different food coloring to water and oil Slowly sprinkle 1 teaspoon of salt into the glass Observe what happens Repeat Look over data to see what made the best lava lamp determined by the bubbles
Conclusion What’s going to make the best lava lamp? In this project i made a homemade lava lamp. I was going to figure out what made the best lava lamp by determining which time out of 3 had the most bubbles. In the end of the experiment i concluded that the second trial had the most bubbles. No my hypothesis wasn’t correct. My hypothesis was that the 3rd trial would work the best. I’ve learned making a lava lamp is as easy as salt,oil, and water. If I were to do this again I would change the cold water I used to hot water to see if anything would happen different.