Welcome to our SATs information evening. Bishop Aldhelm’s C.E. V.A. Primary School Loved by God; United in Learning Headteacher: Laura Dickson Deputy Headteacher: Scott Tait Welcome to our SATs information evening.
Statutory Assessment Tests (and Tasks) http://www.theschoolrun.com/KS1-SATs-in-2017 Video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81943gG0H38
They will not even know they are doing SATs! We call the SATs quizzes or special booklets. The children will work on them during the usual lesson, other lessons will carry on as normal.
Papers On the tables there are examples of past papers in Reading and Maths. There will also be a SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar paper. There will also be a writing test. The Science and Speaking and Listening is teacher assessed throughout the year . Please feel free to look at the papers.
All schools have to complete the papers during the month of May. We will make sure that the children complete these slowly and a timetable will be put together to make sure that they are spread out throughout the month of May. We ask that no holiday is taken during this month. Children will have to catch up if they miss a paper and they often find it harder to complete it alone, rather than being in a group.
Reporting to parents. Once the tests have been done, we mark them and a score is issued and this will be reported in the end of year report. Questions?