World War II Vocabulary Review
Mussolini of Italy supported this political ideology of exalting the State. Fascism
Neville Chamberlain supported this policy towards Hitler which allowed Hitler to take over Austria, the Sudetenland and the Rhineland. Appeasement
Between World War I and World War II, the U. S Between World War I and World War II, the U.S. focused on their own domestic problems of the Great Depression and limited interaction with Europe. What term best describes this attitude? Isolationism
Germany, under Hitler, supported a combination of Fascism and Anti-Semitism. This political ideology was known as ______________. Nazism
After Hitler invaded Poland, Great Britain and France decided they had to get involved and declared war on Germany. What was this new change in attitude called? Interventionism
Japanese Americans were sent to _____________ camps after the attack on Pearl Harbor so the American government could keep an eye on them. Internment
The intent of the Holocaust was the “Final Solution” which would be carried out by a ____________ of all European Jews. genocide
At the beginning of World War II, the United States declared the __________ Acts which stated would not get involved in the war. Neutrality
The Soviet Union supported this major political ideology that wanted to ban private ownership. Communism
In order to help achieve his “Final Solution”, Hitler’s SS began moving Jews from Germany and Poland into ___________ to later move them into concentration camps. ghettos
The Nazi Army’s fighting strategy known as the _______________ was to attack quickly and to cause as much destruction as possible. Blitzkrieg
Nazism, Fascism and Communism are examples of this type of government. Totalitarianism