Industrial Revolution


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Presentation transcript:

Industrial Revolution Revolution started in Britain Agricultural and Technological Innovation (steam engine) Available money (from textile industry) Supply of coal and iron Large labour force What happened to the work force on the farms?

Industrial Revolution Working Conditions for Working Class Appalling condition Low wages Every member of family worked Long hours (13-16 hours per day) 6 days a week, 12 months a year Very cold or very hot Smoke-filled air Noisy, poor lighting Workers injured No Social Protection

Industrial Revolution Living Conditions for Working Class Growing population-homes were crowded Pollution from factories close to homes Unsanitary-no running water or sewers No garbage collection, police, firefighters, schools or hospitals Smoked filled rooms from wood stove Contagious diseases (tuberculosis and cholera Life expectancy short, mortality rate high 1 in 4 children died before age 5

Industrial Revolution Effects of the Industrial Revolution Country side lifestyle to urban lifestyle (built around factories and mines Britain richest country in the world Living and Working Conditions appalling so workers protested and demanded rights Slow lifestyle-products made by hand to products made by machines New transportation systems-trains, steam boats, etc.

Industrial Revolution The demand for Rights Workers fought for changes Right to form unions Ban of children in mines Restricted work hours for children and women Right to strike Right to elect members of parliament by secret ballot Social Programs (education, health care, etc.)

Imperialism and Colonization Europe’s industrialization led to an increased need for energy sources and raw materials In order to access these resources Europeans found their way into Africa which originally was inaccessible

Imperialism and Colonization Factors in Colonization Economic-raw materials, useful new markets Demographic-new territory for Europe’s growing population Political-extend global influence, nationalism, in competition for power Cultural-spread western civilization, ‘civilizing mission’

Imperialism and Colonization Scrabble for Africa Berlin Conference-effort to avoid conflict over Africa Divided Africa into new territories for Europe’s taking Colonizers did not consider the way of life nor history of the territories when they divided New borders caused chaos among locals

Imperialism and Colonization Impacts of Colonization Positive: ports, railways, technology, education, medicine, health, hygiene, modern agricultural techniques Negatives: Africans were forced to work, forced to pay taxes, money earned from resources given to Europe not Africa, loss of limbs, death

Holocaust Discrimination (Anti-Semitism) -1933 Hitler and Nazi’s elected in Germany -measures and laws designed to force Jewish population to leave -policies became harsher -Nuremberg laws prohibited businesses, marriages, removed German citizenship -Jewish individuals had to wear a yellow star

Holocaust Ghettos -Jewish homes raided, all belongings taken from Jewish population - Jews forced into fenced or walled Ghettos -Food and work difficult to find/forced labour -Disease and starvation -Happened all over Europe

Holocaust “The Final Solution” -forced to walk (death march) or transported by train to concentration/extermination camps -some killed immediately upon arrival -others forced into labour -millions died (gas chamber, experimentation, starvation, disease, gun violence, beatings, etc.)