The Causes of the Holocaust Mr. Wolf Marina High School
Causes Hitler had to tell people that their lives would get better
Causes During the Great Depression in the 1930s Germans were especially hard hit.
Why Why was Germany especially hard hit?? Hint: Versailles Treaty Versailles treaty forced Germany to pay reparations to Allies for War Guilt
Causes Hitler takes over a country in debt. The people hate banks and the Treaty of Versailles.
To make people think things could get better, he focused their anger on an easy target. A common enemy brings people together, and Hitler made Jews the enemy of Germany Hitler took the anger towards the Versailles treaty and used it to unite the people.
Causes People like someone to blame, and Jews became an easy target
Why Jewish People? Why did Hitler choose the Jews as his Scapegoats??
Why Europe was predominantly Christian and discriminated against Jewish people for hundreds of years. Jews were described as part of the devil because Christians believed only the Devil would kill Jesus Jews were not allowed to live in the same areas as Christians because they were considered to be harmful
Why Any bad thing that happened such as a flood or a drought was blamed on Jews. People were really superstitious back then, they thought the world was flat, and burned “witches” at the stake Prejudice is easy to believe if you do not interact with the people you dislike
Jews were not allowed to be citizens till the 19th century
Racial Social Darwinism in 1930s
Racial Social Darwinism Scientists did phony experiments to classify races and put whites on the top. They said that Jews were an inferior race. Hitler said Jews were the biggest threat to Germany’s survival As soon as he came into power he began making laws to humiliate the Jews and strip them of citizenship
Laws got progressively worse for Jews until Nazis finally decided upon the Final Solution The concentration camps
Why did Germans go along Prejudiced already against Jews Brainwashed by propaganda Scared of being next target Were poor and needed Hitler and the Nazis to help them Didn’t know how bad it would get, bad treatment of Jews evolved over time
If you think it couldn’t happen here
President Roosevelt issues Executive Order 9066