Smart Cookies – Troop Secured Booths Log on to Under the Booths tab, click on Troop Secured Booths
Request Troop Secured Booth – Fill in Booth Information Complete the information requested in the Booth Information section The Troop contact will automatically default to the system user that is entering the information Location contact information is optional By Checking the Booth Permission box, this will allow the Council permission to assign another Troop to this location in the event that the requesting Troop is unable to attend the booth. If the Booth Permission box is not checked, another Troop cannot be assigned to the booth. There is an open field available to enter notes – please provide any additional information for Council to review Click the Save button
Request Troop Secured Booth – Appointment Times Screen will show Booth Information has been completed. Next step is to click on the “Request Appointment Time” button to set up the desired appointment times Select Date, and Time, click save. By clicking on “Request Appointment Time” you can request multiple dates and timeslots after each appointment is saved Once complete, click on “Go to Troop Reservations” to view and confirm the requests.
Confirmation of Troop Secured Booth Request The Troop Secured Booth Request will be listed with all FCFS Booth requests Once the request is approved by Council, the status will go from Pending to Approved. Council will notify the volunteer by their registered e-mail if the booth is approved or denied
Deleting a Troop Requested Booth Reservation If your Troop cannot attend a requested booth timeslot, please remember to cancel your Troop from the assignment. This removes the booth from the GSUSA booth finder application available to the public. To delete the booth, click the menu at the end of the row and then click ‘Remove Reservation’.
This concludes the PowerPoint on Troop Secured Booths This concludes the PowerPoint on Troop Secured Booths. If more information is needed, please contact your Service Unit Cookie Manager or Council. Thank you