Studio day : February 13 First draft of : Communication Plan Stakeholders Register
Communication plan Who needs to know? For example : who should receive the list of pending change requests? What do they need to know? Depending on the roles, some will receive details, others high level summary status When do they need to know? (frequency) Every week, every other week, once a month… ? which day of the week? How should they receive it? Email, hard copy, collaborative websites (ex : sharepoint), etc.
Communication plan : example 1
Communication plan : example 2
Communication plan : example 3
Stakeholder Register Who are your stakeholders? What is their title/position and contact information? How do they prefer to be communicated with? Email? Text? Phone call? Describe their role / responsibilities? (what will they do?) What is their level of involvement ? (high, moderate, low…) What is their influence? (high, moderate, low…) Classify your stakeholders (Very important, important, semi-important…)
Requirements = their responsibilities