Documenting and analyzing transportation codes 2015 KENTUCKY DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION EVERY STUDENT, EVERY DAY STAK CLASS 2016 Documenting and analyzing transportation codes 2015 Introduce the new review document
Current Codes defined T-1 Student rides the bus twice daily for more than a mile. T-2 Student rides the bus twice daily for less than a mile. T-3 Student rides the bus once daily for more than a mile. T-4 Student rides the bus once daily for less than a mile. How often and far are the key issues. Often means if you have to provide a seat for the child
Current codes defined (cont) NT- Student is not transported by district. T5 - Student requires special transportation. Must be in IEP. Not to ride bus but to be coded as a T-5
Questions to be answered For codes T1,T2,T3 and T4 there are essentially two questions to be answered and documented: How often does the child ride the bus in general ? How far is the child being transported when they ride the bus. Define how often in general Elaborate on how far the child is transportated
Questions to be answered cont For T5 codes there is one question to be answered. Is the need for special transportation stated in the Individual education plan? Can’t look at conference summary notes or 504 plans.
Transportation form Purpose of the form: To assist districts in assigning accurate T codes To document substantively what we want during the review process
Transportation form cont Student address Student name Physical and Mailing address Phone Numbers
Transportation form cont To simplify the documentation process outside of the student information system. To get all of the information in one location and allow for changes during the school year
Transportation form cont Distance and daily occurrence for riders Actual bus ridden (am and pm) Changes in information during the school year
How do I know my codes are correct Appropriate paper work completed Transportation record is created Clerks get info from students Scott Rose 2012
Obtain T-code attendance comparison report. Comes from info On SAAR Scott Rose 2012
Scott Rose 2012
Student Tracking and Transportation Branch For more information: Contact Student Tracking and Transportation Branch Cheri Meadows: (502)564-5279. Scott Rose: (606)776-0798 Ruth Yates:(859) 583-3417 Sheila Harned: (270) 705-9158