Narrative Writing #4
What does smell the roses mean to you? Brainstorming What does smell the roses mean to you? flowers Take a chance T-shirt inside out Open the door Day off Family Vs work
What does smell the roses mean to you? Brainstorming _ Exercise 1 of 3 (part 3 of 5) #3 A few ideas that my students came up with What does smell the roses mean to you? flowers Take a chance T-shirt inside out Open the door Day off Family Vs work
Cars catch attention The attention is of the pedestrians The cars move along the street The movement is a crawl The movement is slow The cars are out of the showroom The cars are glittering The cars catch the attention glittering showroom of the pedestrians as they slowly crawl along the street.
Their bodies are waxed Their bodies are shiny Their bodies are seductive Their bodies are smart and smart.
The moment is broken The breaking is by a sound The sound is of an engine The engine is revving by the sound of a revving engine.
Light is thrown down from the street lights The light dances The dancing is soft The dancing is on the paintwork of the cars The cars are beautiful Light thrown down from the street lights dances softly on the paintwork of the beautiful cars.
The first driver is enjoying the attention The attention is from the crowd They are gathering on the sidewalk The driver is smiling The smiling is slight The first driver smiles slightly and is enjoying the attention of the crowd gathered on the sidewalk.